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  • Trump resonantly invited Rittenhouse to Mar-a-Lago and afterwards  he said Rittenhouse was a fine young man. I figure that made Trump's children jelly for a couple of reasons....  more
    Last post by SpunkySenior - November 27, 2021
    328 views 1 like
  • Lately our Grandson has been getting pretty sad because his big sister beats him at every game they play. So I have been thinking of putting a little Play-doh on the spring of his ...  more
    Last post by SavvyAnsley - November 9, 2021
    841 views 4 likes
  • You will probably never guess so I will just tell you - our youngest son. We just got a call from him and he let us know that they sold their house in BC and moved to Nova Scotia a...  more
    Last post by Jaimie - November 1, 2021
    691 views 4 likes
    Everett Hallaran (b. 1842 - d. 1931) and wife Francine Hallaran née Wells (b. 1850 - d. 1939) pictured approximately 1897.
    Last post by Randy D - October 19, 2021
    369 views 1 like
  • You will probably never guess so I will just tell you - it was Girl Guide cookies from our Granddaughter. Cheers!
    Last post by Slartibartfast - October 4, 2021
    730 views 5 likes
  • My F-I-L was livid that my husband didn’t name our first son after my husband, my F-I-L and the two that came before them.  My husband hates his first name, but it was a...  more
    Last post by Livvie - October 4, 2021
    1,390 views 5 likes
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  • My father was 30 years old, while my mother was 25 years old when I was born. 
    Last post by Benedict Arnold - September 23, 2021
    401 views 3 likes
  • I have 15 first cousins.  
    Last post by Kittigate - September 19, 2021
    615 views 3 likes
  • aspects of real-life experiences or real-life events?  One of my personal examples is that I never knew a thing about street gangs and the violence they exacted on the city I ...  more
    Last post by Stu Spelling Bee - September 8, 2021
    395 views 2 likes
      For those of you who have at least one sibling, what were some of the things that you had to share with her/him/them when you were growing up?  I have a brother ...  more
    Last post by Randy D - August 20, 2021
    257 views 1 like