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Will you draw a picture here or are you a chicken baby?

Posted - April 24, 2020


  • 10026
    Happy! Happy Goosebumps!!
    Thank You, OOODDLESSS!!
      April 28, 2020 11:21 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay, I think this one be in just about any drawing program-up at top someplace is a pen(cil) drawing tool, after click that may appear pencil/drawing stroke size-to draw/color wider, right next to it. Maybe on top right hand side is color selection box-you'll see many different colors of each squares from it, and in middle top is the shape selection box that you'll see many different small shapes in-click on that shape and it will make that shape, but can change size of it with computer mouse-not all the drawing programs have the shape tool.
    Use computer mouse to move pen around in computer screen, push mouse button to click in different colors/shapes pointing in color/tool boxes, click, hold and move the mouse around-the board to draw from pen in computer screen.
      April 28, 2020 4:38 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Oh, and other really good drawing programs that I have now, is called GIMP & SketchBookPro(7), and I may tell you about these two drawing programs, and how to use these too(?)
      April 28, 2020 7:37 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Thank you for waiting and understanding.  It took me a minute to get back to you because of some computer problems I was having.
    I think I am ready to go!
    Thank you MORE for offering your assistance in finding a program that will work. 
    Would you like us to draw it in these boxes and if so are you specific in what the topic might be and what tools we can use?  Would you like just pencil.  Can they be colored?  Are paints allowed?  I did pull your avatar up and it is our beautiful sky.  I see, also, what appears to be a jet stream.  Are you a pilot or do you like airplanes?  Too personal.  Sorry. Would you like shadowing with charcoal, for example, or stick drawings? 
      May 1, 2020 2:00 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I think the few top computer drawing programs that are really good ones to draw great pictures on the computer screen with, would be GIMP & SketchBookPro(7).
    Yes-that would be me, & then you did saw my other replies about the drawings, did you?
    My Avatar(no airplane or helicopter to see in that of course)-not really anything to do with what I would like to do, I just went in my computer/LapTop & browsed through what other pictures patterns may look appealing to me, then I copied just that patterned part to make just that part as my Avatar to answerMug.
    Sure to put colors around it, & I would like a drawing you would do on the computer to look about as real as a photograph-you can draw what you'll like on the first drawing first, then show it to me, then I will judge what other picture for you to draw after it, only by the judgement of what talent level you're at on drawing-then I can go from there to decide what picture depending on your drawing level - okay    good?
      May 14, 2020 1:58 PM MDT