At the summer camp in upstate NY I attended at ages 9-11, there was a rifle range where we fired 22-caliber rifles at paper targets to earn NRA marksmanship certifications.
Owned a .22 for years. Used it for hunting - rabbits, feral cats, foxes. Handed it in after Port Arthur. I could have kept it, it was registered and I was licensed - but fees became extortionate and I rarely hunted by then anyway.
Pistol and a rifle at a range....shot gun at a Country Fete and also at Clay Pigeon ranges....I gave it up when the Clays became and endangered species after people there began shooting them indiscriminately..... It was pretty clear to me that they were getting upset about being shot to peices and most all broke down instantly when hit.... :( Strange thing is ,every one hit just scattered and no one ever see them again....:(
I was a firecontrolman by trade. On the older ships one of our positions was 'telescope operator' in the gun mounting where the gun could be fired from when the radar/computer systems failed. On newer ships it is all remotely controlled
I must admit, I am not at all a fan of guns or weapons in general. However, I did shoot guns at a range with an old friend and his dad, as a young one.