Discussion » Questions » Weather » First day of winter today. Are you going to celebrate?

First day of winter today. Are you going to celebrate?

Posted - December 21, 2022


  • 1469
    We can fix that too!

      December 22, 2022 4:04 PM MST

  • 23252
    Thank you!  
    I'll call if I need help. :)
      December 22, 2022 7:34 PM MST

  • 44402
    Don't call me. I have my own and I'm not going out for the next two days.
      December 23, 2022 3:22 PM MST

  • 23252
    I'll stick with Mr. Plow.  :)

    I've still had to work every day.
    Walked to work and back today, just 15 minutes, just got home and I was really bundled up but not the smartest decision I've made. But we had a Level Road-Whatever emergency asking people not to drive unless they really found it necessary. I thought I'd walk. Very cold.  :)
    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at December 24, 2022 4:06 PM MST
      December 23, 2022 5:37 PM MST

  • 44402
    My Mr Plow died two years ago. I stuck my head out the garage door and felt my face falling off. I have never experienced wind-chills this low. -26F.
      December 23, 2022 7:54 PM MST

  • 23252
    Yes. As far as the wind-chill -- if your comment is about today and yesterday, yes, when I was walking I've rarely felt so quickly such chill. 

    Sorry about your Mr Plow. :)
      December 24, 2022 12:58 AM MST

  • 53107


      I will NEVER again live in any place that has weather like that. Brrrrrrrrrr.


      December 23, 2022 9:46 PM MST

  • 23252
    Yeah, it's really cold. Lately, out-of-the-ordinary.

      December 24, 2022 12:59 AM MST

  • 4624
    Ari and I celebrated the SUmmer Solstice yesterday in our usual way, rising in the dark to watch the dawn with a cup of tea. 

    Hope you're having a happy eight days of Hanukah.
    Hope your family are well.
      December 23, 2022 12:07 AM MST

  • 44402
      December 23, 2022 3:22 PM MST

  • 1441
    lets shovel your car's entry
      December 23, 2022 3:27 PM MST

  • 16408
    Which season was that? I had salt water in my ear, from being at the beach on the first day of SUMMER.

    This post was edited by Slartibartfast at April 27, 2024 8:26 AM MDT
      December 23, 2022 6:21 PM MST