People have ripped me off because they are thieves, no other reason. I really don't know what I'd do if I ever see an ex-roommate again. I'd like to punch her in the nose, I trusted her and she betrayed me in the worst way. Now I trust no one, and get close to no one, I don't want people in my house..for any reason. You can't even trust one, I have become very suspicious, unfortunately. It doesn't matter how much you have or how little, there will always be someone who wants to take it from you.
This post was edited by . at September 18, 2023 12:00 PM MDT
Look. People don't give a chit about people. I'm not just saying and I don't want to say it it, but, even altruism is fake and people are all out for number one. Themselves. All the 80 s and 90 s sayings. Everyman for himself. I don't care what you do I wouldn't want to be like you song. See ya wouldn't want to be ya. I don't care what you say I wouldn't want to be that way. Lasagna don't get any on ya! They made rat experiments and we're no different. AIDS. 911. COVID.
This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at September 18, 2023 12:13 PM MDT
Well my baseball bat has lots of subliminal bad messages on it. I glued stars on it and it sends a subliminal message of what they will soon be seeing. I also coated my bat with craft glitter - partly for looks and partly to add eye irritation to their injuries (the craft glitter gets in their eyes). Cheers!
Most thieves steal because they're too lazy to work. Some thieves steal because they're hungry, but there are enough food pantries around so they don't really have to do that.