No. Some paint smeared about on a canvas, Some stone chipped to look a person or animal. Trinkets and babbles gathering dust. Do these activities grow crops? Do they cure disease? Artists should get real jobs.
Ahh but art can fire our imagination, it can soothe our furrowed brow, it can please us, make us smile.. so this is like nature.. we human beans are complicated and have complicated brains - if all we did was eat and sleep - we'd get bored..
I agree with you Day. Anyone who says it doesn't matter, disregards beauty, and music, and things that carry as their only purpose to move our spirit. Good answer.
Art is essentially something that children, people with learning disabilities and handicaps do to keep them out of your hair. Someone who has a degree in the Arts is basically a special Ed teacher
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 25, 2017 5:11 PM MDT
Not true many people have real jobs in the arts. I manufacturer and paint daily...It is my job, my only job.It is what pays my bills and puts food on my table. People who work in advertising, graphic design, music, video game design, tattoo artists, airbrush artists, painters, fashion design, etc all work in the arts .....These people are certainly not special education students. I know, I was never in special classes....Other than high level advanced classes.
I'm not sure of the irony of this entire conversation escapes you, but normally it's persons of the "Left" persuasion that defend the arts. In either case, apparently I failed in my attempt at humor, especially since I'm a Photographer and consider myself an artist.
Yes, I did not see the humor in the statement. But sometimes humor is hard to get through when uses only text. But yes photography is certainly an art.
Art has the ability to transport us to another place, another reality. It can tweak at the edges of our understanding and can open doors to the imagination that might otherwise remain unnoticed. Of course it matters!
I'd sit on the fence with this one.. art matters to some people, some of the time. Where it matters it tends to matter a lot. A small story, I went to the Rijks museum with a friend, I literally got so excited seeing a Van Gogh that I squealed and jumped and my friend was embarrassed thinking we would be thrown out.
From Paleolithic cave drawings in Lascaux, France to the early tools and pottery of native peoples, to the pyramids in Egypt, and later to the rise of fine arts in the Western world, art has been intertwined with our existence. It’s how humans have communicated, celebrated, recorded and described our lives since the dawn of time.---
Art is a language and form of communication that humans have used throughout history. Also, the fact that humans have instinctively used art as a form of communication and creative expression speaks volumes about its importance in the world. Furthermore, it’s no coincidence that our greatest innovators and scientists were also gifted in the arts.
This post was edited by tom jackson at March 26, 2017 8:31 AM MDT