TBH... No, but I went fishing with some friends 35 miles off the coast and midway before we got to our destination, I became seasick. I puked for almost 8 hours straight. Everyone thought is was hilarious and I did too after the ridiculousness of the situation set in. My stomach hurt so bad. LOL. I tried everything! I never got sick before. I could not choke down a Dramamine for the life of me. I threw up everywhere. It was so disgusting..fish guts, sea gulls, puke. LOL Is that a boating accident? Not necessarily but what ensued, the longevity of it, and a bunch of friends slightly inebriated bobbing up and down on the wave in the middle of no where with me hurling like a geyser CONSTANTLY, I'd say it became one what they call, "THE accident that was waiting to happen." lol