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Students are planning a national walkout to protest the lack of response to gun violance in their schools. Do you support them?

Posted - February 18, 2018


  • 44537
    YES. I might go to the school I last taught at and support them. Hey...maybe I can get arrested and be on the news. (No big deal...I know a bunch of cops.)
      February 18, 2018 2:29 PM MST

  • 3463
    It always pays to have friends in high places. Good for you.
      February 18, 2018 2:36 PM MST

  • 3375
    I sure do!!  No one should carry more weight with this issue than them!  It's time to listen to people that have no monetary interest in their opinions.  They are absolutely right and commend them for taking their pain and doing something constructive with it!
      February 18, 2018 2:32 PM MST

  • 3463
    Their actions will speak louder then words.
      February 18, 2018 2:36 PM MST

  • 3375
    I think a few adults would be happy to join the protest. Count me in.
      February 18, 2018 2:40 PM MST

  • 3463
    I bet some teachers and parents will be there too.
      February 18, 2018 2:44 PM MST

  • 3375
    This is an issue that concerns just about all of us when you really think about it.
      February 18, 2018 2:45 PM MST

  • 1128
    I support them definitely! They are tired of being afraid. We never had to deal with the stuff that goes on in schools today. These students lost friends, family and teachers. Damn right I support them! 
      February 18, 2018 2:34 PM MST

  • 3463
    I hear ya SA and I hope everyone will support them.
      February 18, 2018 2:37 PM MST

  • 3375
    Sadly, peaceful protests by millions may be the only way to send a message to Washington, loud and clear.  
      February 18, 2018 2:34 PM MST

  • 3463
    I was hoping they would do this.
      February 18, 2018 2:38 PM MST

  • 3375
    I hope it changes a few things.  We can't keep going the way we are.  
      February 18, 2018 2:41 PM MST

  • 3463
    Everyone should be fed up with how things have been handled about the issue.
      February 18, 2018 2:46 PM MST

  • 14795
    Yes....100%    Why not march on the White House and camp on their lawn...... May be every student stop going to school until parents deem it's safe to send them.....You need a huge embarrassing protests with media coverage to make it work quickly.....and never vote for anyone who refuses to listen and act quickly...l
      February 18, 2018 3:02 PM MST

  • 3463
    Thank you NJ. I am sure this will get a lot of coverage.
      February 18, 2018 3:08 PM MST

  • 3375
    Did you hear the latest?  Have the news on right now.  Trump is actually BLAMING the FBI's ball dropping on that mass murderer because he, Trump, says the FBI was too busy poking in his business to follow up on the shooter.  
      February 18, 2018 3:28 PM MST

  • 1128
    OMG trump is so full of himself. FBI dropped the ball TRUE-----but NOT because the world and the FBI are looking at trump...ughhhhhhh
      February 18, 2018 3:37 PM MST

  • 3375
    He has proven yet again that he is a class A narcissist!  
      February 18, 2018 3:49 PM MST

  • 3463
    Yes, it's always about him and never takes the blame for anything.
      February 18, 2018 4:02 PM MST

  • 3375
    Always needs to deflect from the issues.   Children fight that way.  
      February 18, 2018 4:14 PM MST

  • 1128
    What is sad is that some children act more mature!! 
      February 18, 2018 4:43 PM MST

  • 3375
      February 18, 2018 8:09 PM MST

  • 19938
    Yesterday there was something on Yahoo that Trump was saying the school kids themselves could have done more!  Can you imagine blaming the kids for getting themselves killed?  The school and the Sheriff's department were also warned numerous times and they failed to do anything other than expel him from school, so why blame only the FBI.  There's plenty of blame to go around here, but definitely not the students.
      February 19, 2018 7:30 AM MST

  • 3375
    I cringe every time that man talks.  He is so incompetent.  If you don't even possess the skills of good communication, you need to shut up.  

    I hope those kids make a lot of noise that will drown out anything Trump says.  
      February 19, 2018 9:44 AM MST