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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Thank GOD I voted for Trump. He is saving our country". The donjohn folks must believe that. Saving our country from what?

"Thank GOD I voted for Trump. He is saving our country". The donjohn folks must believe that. Saving our country from what?

Posted - March 11, 2018


  • 6988
    I disagree with the term 'saving'. The term used is 'making America great again'. Actually, America has been great for some 200 years. 
      March 11, 2018 6:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      March 12, 2018 3:41 AM MDT

  • As I see it, from itself. President Trump hasn't been successful in turning things around nor will he be. There's no one on the scene that can do it. The decline of America is from within and it appears that this society is circling the drain, a victim of itself. It's been said for fifty years that no outside agency can bring this country down. That doesn't disqualify self destruction. There's a peculiar brand of self loathing out there that readily manifests itself in a hatred of all things American. Morality and ethical behaviors, as well as common sense and rational judgement, have been replaced by rebellion against all forms of authority and application of law. Embracing failed political systems and philosophies as the ideal, the decline of education into battlegrounds and war zones (And no gun regulation can bring about the discipline of the heart and mind), complete de-sensitization of thought processes by entertainment and communication venues that have no ability to shock any more, as we've grown numb to everything. An insistence on total dependence on government, replacing self reliance and self initiative, coupled with greed, avarice and a covetous attitude for things we had no hand in creating and have no business getting. That's merely the tip of the iceberg, or as we like to say here, you can put fresh paint on rotten wood and all you have is great looking rotten wood. 
      March 11, 2018 9:07 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig. Thank you for your thoughtful reply ub and Happy Monday to thee! :) I'm not numb. I am often quite touched/moved by "entertainment". Thoughtful, warmhearted, insightful movies about real life events or pure imagination. Books. Music. Science. History. I am alarmed by the truth of your words however. I am amazed (not in a good way) at the multitudes of robotic people who seem to have all been programmed by the same evil genius. Not limited to my country but worldwide. The evil spreads. It is based on fear and greed and hatred for "the other". In olden days people like that were not admired or supported or adored or revered. They were loathed. A switch flipped and now we see the extreme right-wing hatemongers taking over. And the swarms of locusts who used to be human beings are drawn to them and exalt them and worship them. SIGH. A nightmare. I'm glad I'm old. Period. :( This post was edited by RosieG at March 12, 2018 3:49 AM MDT
      March 12, 2018 3:48 AM MDT