Discussion»Questions»Babies and Kids» Are you responsible for everything you did from the minute you are conceived and you should be help accountable until the end?
I don’t think that I should be held responsible for anything negative I have or will do in my life. I’m sure it’s my parents fault for not buying me the cabbage patch kid that I wanted when I was 4 years old. That pretty much scarred me for life.
Not from the moment of conception, but from the moment of understanding what consequences may occur from actions you take. The caveat is that if you should reach a point where your mind is compromised (dementia), you cannot be held accountable for what you say or do.
That is a horrible concept! As it would hold an infant accountable for its mother's death in childbirth! Which happened with regularity in century s past
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 3, 2019 1:24 PM MST