Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Trump is always bragging about the Great Economy. What is a BAD economy? What would that look like?

Trump is always bragging about the Great Economy. What is a BAD economy? What would that look like?

Posted - July 3, 2019


  • Once upon a time, there was an economic condition known as the "Great Depression". It was actually a world wide phenomenon that severely affected the lives of millions here in the Western Hemisphere. It would hang around and prove to be a major problem for more than a decade. Why? There were products to buy on store shelves, but no money. There was no money because there were no jobs. A really scary time boys and girls. But the populace had a strange idea. One that no longer exists in the land. They WANTED to WORK and have JOBS. They had pride in their skills and abilities and wanted to find solutions for themselves.They were afraid of being perceived as CHARITY cases and refused to sit on their hands and wait for "ENTITLEMENTS". When jobs were created to improve the infrastructure of the land, they went to work. Times were tough, but they were tough people and many years later, they would be applauded as "the Greatest Generation". Amazing what a desire to survive can do. THE END
      July 3, 2019 8:55 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I can tell you the nonsense.  

    First you will explain something about the economy.  It will make sense, and then?  NON SENSE about how the Democrats made the economy tank.

    I need to read it?  Like I need to read something from the Department of Redundancy.  


    No.  It turns out I was WRONG.  If I were a high-school teacher and this was an exam question and you wrote that?  I would say that is round-about b.s.ing about a topic you know quite little about.

    Yeah, all that occurred. It does not remotely answer the question. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 3, 2019 11:51 AM MDT
      July 3, 2019 8:59 AM MDT

  • 6988
    The Camel is correct.
      July 3, 2019 11:47 AM MDT

  • 46117
    It is a terrible answer.  

    I asked what a bad economy looks like.  I don't need a sing-song diatribe.  That is not explaining what a great economy is.  NOR what happened.  People not caring has ALWAYS been the way of the world.  

    Do you think boredom, hopelessness and desperation is a new thing?   There was plenty of that going around always.  And still is.

    I want to know an answer that actually ANSWERS something. Not how people were filled with gumption and energy and now no one cares.    A big F minus  To both of you.  That is a grade, not a middle finger, by the way. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 3, 2019 11:57 AM MDT
      July 3, 2019 11:50 AM MDT

  • 2706
     You asked, What is a bad economy? What would it look like? Sopwith Camel answered that question with a very relevant and good answer. Why does it bother you that he was correct?
      July 3, 2019 7:39 PM MDT

  • 53607

      "I don't need a sing-song diatribe."

    Wait, what?   Why is it ok for YOU to post sing-song diatribes to other people's questions?  Pot, kettle, hello!

      July 4, 2019 4:17 AM MDT

  • 17640
    2007 - 2016
      July 3, 2019 10:34 PM MDT