That's very good advice for the internet these days. Don't put it online if its something you wouldn't want others to see, because if its posted it will go around and come back around.
Its Friday night tonight. I remember when I was always out and about on Friday night. Where am I right now? Its a low key weekend for me so I'm here at the Mug. What happened to my Teen years? Where did they go? I need to stir some sh*t up. I need to be wondrous and wild. Meh, maybe I'll just watch Netflix and eat carbs. LOL!
“You will eat that entire sandwich and you will like it, Ran-Ran, or I’ll know the reason why. And what’s this nonsense about you not finishing your English grammar homework? If you ever expect to go outside and chase those little girls you like so much, you’d better have your homework done first.”
Somehow the blame always goes back to our mothers for the way we turned out. If only she'd never made for you that first sandwich, how different things might be.
When I was very little and we were downtown shopping I asked my mother why I couldn't drink out of the other water fountain where there was no line. She told me there was no good reason and she walked me over there and I got a drink of water.