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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » Would you like to own a quantum computer that could find and illustrate events of the future and the past?

Would you like to own a quantum computer that could find and illustrate events of the future and the past?

Quantum superposition of time indicates infinity of time, all past and future events compressed into a state of zero elapsed time. The quantum computer could expand superposition of time into perhaps an infinite quantity of individual one hundred year volumes of time and each page of the volume representing a 24 hour period illustrating all the events happening on the day. Suppose you wanted to see what is happening on March 28 2221 you would find the volume covering Jan 1st 2200 - Dec 31 2299 and find March 28 2221. Google Earth would show on your monitor then you scroll to the area of interest and zoom in to have a close up view and perhaps fortunate enough as well to find a media archives featuring all the major events of the past hundred years.

You could  select volumes of 100 year time periods to  search back in time also to try find interesting times and locations like maybe discovering how the ancient people managed to cut and move 1500 ton stone blocks great distances and place them into position of great artifices that were built by people in those ancient times.

Posted - March 28, 2021


  • I would like to see how historical events actually happened.  If I were able to see the future, I would be rich like Biff Tannen in Back to the Future II. 
      March 28, 2021 5:58 PM MDT

  • 11534
    I think the novelty would wear off pretty quickly. :(
      March 28, 2021 6:26 PM MDT

  • 53676

      I want to know exactly what happened to Medgar Evers, Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, countless other unsolved murders, the crews and passengers of numerous unexplained shipwrecks and plane crashes, the truth behind some UFO sightings, etc.

      I want to see the buried history of the hundreds or thousands of Black Americans, both civilians and servicemen, who were in The Philippines, Guam, Wake Island when the Imperial Japanese Forces invaded those locations, overran and captured over 70,000 Westerners and held them in capacity while occupying the lands for over two and a half to three years. 

      I want to know what Cleopatra really looked like, not the Hollywood-created Anglicized version of her, along with dozens of other historical figures who were also whitewashed in our collective minds.
      March 28, 2021 6:41 PM MDT

  • 13395
    It might require a lot of search to pinpoint the time and locations to be able to find and view the events you'd  like to witness in real life happenings I imagine.
      March 28, 2021 6:57 PM MDT

  • 53676

    Whether it’s actually viewing them in real time or somehow just becoming aware of them by any other method(s), I just want to know the truth. I don’t like hidden history, nor do I like the fact that “history” is only written by victors or powers that be or entities that have a vested interest in only revealing certain facts that fit their agendas. Grrrrrrr. 


      March 28, 2021 7:35 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Right. It would be good to know the historical facts as the events actually happened.
      March 28, 2021 8:00 PM MDT

  • 44748
    I don't care about the past and I would be too tempted to find the day I die, so no, I wouldn't want that computer.
      March 29, 2021 8:23 AM MDT

  • 19937
    No, thank you.  I have enough trouble operating the computer I already have.
      March 29, 2021 10:11 AM MDT