The friendly neighborhood officer who recognizes good practices and issues praise for them:
Notifications of grammar rules and regulations:
Gentle warnings:
Stern warnings:
Stringent enforcement measures for repeat offenders and those who willfully commit infractions to bait or goad officers:
Citations deemed to be routine in nature will still be annotated by this familiar graphic:
In those rare occasions of disputed citations, please keep in mind that the officer’s cousin and uncle are both sitting judges who preside over these cases. (Not to dissuade dissenting opinions, just letting you know. Cough, cough.)
NOTE: as usual, any and all corrections or edits that you make will result in the officer’s post being deleted without further comment as soon as he knows you’ve taken that action.
Gee, big surprise; the criminal Queenpin has a vile plot already mapped out. We’ll keep your usual jail cell in top condition for you. Grrrrrrr.
Lol, you can always do the same thing that dozens or hundreds of other people do: ignore it completely and/or ignore me completely. Don’t take my posts seriously at all and perhaps you won’t be as bothered by me. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? Responding to it refuels it. There are things people post that annoy me (all of that Trump crap a certain member posts several times a day practically every single day, for instance), and I chose not to participate in it at all. Remember, that Trump crap is not funny or clever or appreciated either. People have a right to post things that annoy me just as much as something I post annoys you and/or others.
Wow, ZERO errors! Great job, Pal!
(((I guess you couldn’t resist your pledge to cease answering any of my posts, LOL. Not to worry, many others flock to the magnetism of the Ol’ Randmaster too, whether fans or opponents, LOL. You’re not alone.)))
Happy New Year and cheers to you, too!
Corrected. Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass Go.
Meanwhile, at the Watch Commander’s Office:
Hmmmm, let’s see here, a quick perusal of the records should bring up a match. Ansley, Savvy; Ansley, Savvy; Ansley, Savvy. Ah, yes, here it is. Wow, not very much in this file, only a few citations scattered over an extremely long period of time. Well, that usually means a person who is in general well within compliance and only has an occasional slip-up. Quite normal, actually. I doubt there’s any need to look into it any further, so I’ll just file it away again . . .
Hold on a second. This file has been flagged. Twice, in fact. First flag indicates suspicion of baiting and/or goading a specific officer by intentionally posting errors that call his attention to her. Second flag was placed to indicate she may be a “cop groupie” and has designs on this same officer.
In response, the officer has submitted paperwork to pursue the matter in an undercover setting, and even volunteers his free time to carry out surveillance when he’s off duty too. Wow, truly dedicated, this one. Everything appears to be in order except for the expense vouchers. Instead of the no-tell motels that we normally use, he states here that the suspect is high class and very sophisticated, therefore requiring 5-star hotels, and top-shelf accoutrements. HQ approved it, but that doesn’t really look like the Deputy Commissioner’s signature. Perhaps Internal Affairs needs to chat with this supposedly dedicated officer. I’ll pull his name and put it in their In Box. Randolph, Randall D, night shift. (Figures.)