Discussion » Questions » Education » During your courtyard high school days did you witness a circumstance like a girl threatening violence on another girl?

During your courtyard high school days did you witness a circumstance like a girl threatening violence on another girl?

She says Hey!!!.... It was supposed to be peace and love in 1976 so what the hell! Another girl was laying on the school hallway saying she could not live without her mescaline. Another time a guy took pen and lightly rammed into the butt of a girl walking up the stairs and it was fun. Another time 3 girls were walking in step together down the hallway whisting Smoke On The Water. Another time a guy said I have enough for you and way more left over for your friend. I ask a friend if he wanted to go bone hunting for lunch and he said Ok. Aerosmith's alright. KISS does not suck! My mom threw my Pink Floyd cartridge! I'm going to have an acid weekend. Chrome choppers! Met him 30 years later in a garage and the faces! I remember you. You were loud. I was loud!

Posted - September 6, 2023


  • 34479
    Yes, girls fight too.
      September 7, 2023 6:59 AM MDT

  • 2138
    Yes my two cents but that maybe a bit bias because you seem to assume that guys fight the most.
      September 7, 2023 1:14 PM MDT

  • 34479
    It was your question.  I did not imply which of either gender fights more or less. 
      September 7, 2023 5:02 PM MDT

  • 2138
    I know. Heh he 
      September 8, 2023 12:57 PM MDT

  • 17620
    No.  I never saw (in person) two girls fighting until I was in my twenties and in a dinner theatre having dinner and enjoying a play.  I saw a few fights between boys (after school at the flag pole kind of thing) in elementary and high school. 
      September 7, 2023 8:09 AM MDT

  • 2138
    It's fun to watch things move with a passion.
      September 7, 2023 10:23 PM MDT

  • 17620
    Not at all fun, in my opinion.  When I see people hitting each other I feel scared and threatened. 

      September 8, 2023 12:44 PM MDT

  • 2138
    There are dirty loopholes. The world is a vampire. One time round is all you get. Social control. New Order. Arm stamps to contain. No strays.
    • In the slang of psychology, the colloquial term control freak describes a person with a personality disorder characterized by undermining other people, usually by way of controlling behavior manifested in the ways that they act to dictate the order of things in a social situation. The term control freak was first used in the 1970s, a decade when the cultural Zeitgeist featured liberal social norms, which espoused the live-and-let-live principle of "Do your own thing" in opposition to the perceived requirement of social conformity within traditional conservatism
    This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at September 8, 2023 12:56 PM MDT
      September 8, 2023 12:55 PM MDT

  • 17620
    Uh huh.
      September 9, 2023 12:06 PM MDT

  • 8214
    I don't think so, don't remember my high school years except for a couple of things. 
      September 7, 2023 8:34 AM MDT

  • 5451
    That was me.  I gave the mean girl a bully beat down after school.

      September 7, 2023 8:57 AM MDT

  • 11164
    Oh oh I hope you don't get rowdy when I win your Camaro. I would also like to point out to the MAGA crowd that I won't be winning your Camaro for me - I will be winning it for them. Trump is always saying that he is not fighting his legal battles for himself - he is fighting the battles for them. Truth is he just wants to keep himself out of jail and use their money to do it - and I just want a 6 speed transmission. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at September 7, 2023 8:30 PM MDT
      September 7, 2023 9:31 AM MDT

  • 2138
    This country is doomed where Trump gets over on us. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at September 7, 2023 8:30 PM MDT
      September 7, 2023 1:15 PM MDT