Discussion » Questions » Food and Drink » Did you see the new beer cans with Trump's mugshot on it?

Did you see the new beer cans with Trump's mugshot on it?

I saw this on another site and decided to buy a case and save it for special occasions. Like when Trump is ordered to pay 250 million dollars – I’ll invite over some friends – poke a pinhole in each one of Trump’s beady mug shot eyes and say – oh look Trump is crying because he has to pay 250 million dollars. And when Trump is found guilty of treason I’ll do the same thing but I’ll say – oh look Trump is crying because he is going to jail. And when he loses in 2024 I’ll say – oh look Trump is crying again about loosing an election. There is probably going to be many special occasions like that so I better buy a cubevan full of Trump tears beer.

Posted - October 8, 2023


  • 10955

    On the other site I replied to a comment to let them know how fun it is going to be and said - Oh yeah it's going to be highly entertaining. I can control the tear flow by squishing on the can - then the tears will gush out and I can say – oh look Trump is really really crying because he just found out he is going to Guantanamo Bay. Or I can stop the tears from flowing by holding my thump over the sipping hole and say – oh look Trump stopped crying because he put in an appeal. Then I could start the tears to gush out and say – oh look Trump is really really crying again because the Judge over ruled his appeal. Cheers!

    This post was edited by Nanoose at October 10, 2023 8:17 AM MDT
      October 8, 2023 4:12 PM MDT

  • 44543
    I gotta get a six so I can drink it and piss it out.
      October 8, 2023 6:52 PM MDT

  • 33814
    I don't like beer but I would buy that. 
      October 9, 2023 5:47 AM MDT

  • 1953
    You can  buy toilet paper with Donald Trump's big ugly face on it, there's also a toilet brush scrubber that looks like him, on Amazon you can buy a bumper sticker That looks like Donald Trump saying don't drink the Kool-Aid man . 
      October 11, 2023 5:28 PM MDT

  • 10955

    I think TP with Trump’s sourpuss on it would give me constipation. I could get into a Trump toilet brush – I would name it DJT and while cleaning the bowl I would say things – oh you like it don’t you DJT. Cheers!


      October 11, 2023 6:11 PM MDT