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Will the Jan. 6th choir make a Christmas album?

Bet there are a few jailed Jan. 6th insurrectionist that are starting to realize that they won’t be going home for Christmas - because Trump won’t be in a position to pardon them. They also probably realize that Harris won’t pardon them so their next hope would be Santa.

So maybe to get on his Nice List they will make a Christmas album.

With hits like-

:Santa Baby I didn’t know Trump was a con.

:I got the Toilet wine and Christmas cookies blues.

:All I want for Christmas is a soap gun on a rope.

:The Grinch that stole 15 to 20 of my Christmases.


Posted - 4 hours ago


  • 3394
    As far as I'm concerned, they can rot in jail.
      September 22, 2024 10:21 AM MDT