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Aren't rescue kitties the best? My attempt at a non-political question to show I am not a one dimensional person :P

LOL seriously we are all, outside of this computer screen on this particular forum mothers, lovers, friends, aunts, nieces, kitty and dog parents etc.. so we really must try never to make assumptions just cos someone likes posting and answering political questions :P

Sooo kitties.. i have a rule, (us Brits love our rules and regulations lol that WAS a joke!) I always have a rescue kitty.. and I have to say.. in many cases my rescue or rescues often become my favourite.. I've been lucky to have THE coolest rescue kitties.. sadness and losses of beloved pets brought me to them but they are loved and valued in their own right and I truly don't see it as ME doing THEM a favour.. it's the other way round!!

Soo cool rescue kitties... first ever were Sherry and Toffee... I *meant* to adopt only one kitty... and somehow these came as a pair and I thought oh well why not..  They were 14 and 15 when I adopted them.. everyone thought I was nuts.. but I wanted an older kitty.. I'd just lost a beloved cat to renal failure and he was 14.. I felt cheated and wanted a kitty to love into old age.. So I found Toff... not knowing he came with an attachment called Sherry.. Toff was a ginger and white.. orange and white to you..  He had personality plus.. big, rough and tough.. I was warned.. don't try to brush him he bites.. and actually so he did! He'd regularly swipe out if he was cross.. we adored him! SHerry was a ginger/orange kitty a year younger - although no one knew for sure as she was a barn cat.. barely socialised but devoted to Toff.. And they came to live with me and my existing 6 other kitties.. Believe it or not they fitted in perfectly :)  TOff lived until he was 20, teaching me about diabetic cats, ( we cured him) and Sherry lived til she was 16, teaching me about feline epilepsy.. I never regretted one moment of their live with us.. I regretted their death for sure.. but that's always the way..

When we lost Toffee my next rescue was from the same rescue centre Toff and Sherry came from.. he was an 18 year old Siamese... unlike my pampered siamese tho.. he had been a street cat and was rescued cos his owner moved and he was left wandering the streets and didnt seem to see too well..  Again everyone thought I was nuts.. and OLD cat surely towards the end of his life.. to come here and from being a street cat, rough and tough to living being an indoor pet?? Actually he settled in amazingly! He acted like he'dbeen here forever, copying my lead Oriental Oscar.. he just followed Oscar and did whatever Oscar did... and he proved to be a fabulous kitty.. sweet as anything.. we loved him... and he lived another 3 years. 

Next came Mikey... probably the furry love of my life... or certainly one of them...such a character. no one wanted him as he was nuts.. had feline equiv of ADHD, too full on, would leap at you from across the room.. he had cronic rhinitis and pancreatitis.. NO ONE would have adopted him.. well no one sane :P  But we did and we adored him.. my daughter and he had THE most special bond ever.. he was a real character and made us laugh all the time.. I still miss him  :(

Now we have Pansina..  a female siamese... and she is utterly gorgeous.. still gaining her trust but loving having her around.. all the more so cos she kinda came with an attachment too... a little black Oriental called Shadow who is glorious :)

There that will teach you.. I am way better sticking to politics :P

Posted - January 2, 2017


  • I guess if you like cats.  I only like some of them and in small doses.   I couldn't stand having one in the house though.
    For some reason though cats think I'm the bee's knees when I visit someone who has them. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 2, 2017 3:04 PM MST
      January 2, 2017 3:03 PM MST

  • Makes sense... this is quite common with cats.. they seem drawn to people who don't like them.. there are various theories about this... my own personal one is that cats being superior beings and being, for the most part, cleaner and more civil than most humans (lol) they just cannot fathom that anyone, in their right mind, would not love and adore them.  SO it's from disbelief... that anyone could be that stoopid, (in their opinion) that they have to come and investigate.. Either that or they are just doing it to p**s those who don't like them off :P

    Fwiw I was always a doggy person in my youth.. but much as I do still love dogs, I saw the error of my ways :P
      January 2, 2017 3:21 PM MST

  • And you would love mine Glis.. the reason I came to choose my preferred breed, (Siamese and Orientals) was when we went to get a dog, a golden retriever... and as we sat down to be *interviewed* to see whether we were worthy of having one of her puppies we were literally descended upon by millions of cats.. OK it wasn't millions but they were everywhere.. in your face, on your lap, in your purse, in your hair, on your shoulders... 

    Needless to say I was soon converted and if you came here.. they'd be all over you, Siamese are the dogs of the cat world and very, very inquisitive :P
      January 2, 2017 3:24 PM MST

  • Siamese are pretty cool.  I did have a Maine coon who was mostly an outdoor cat and I really liked him. There is a small rodent graveyard from him.   Very calm and personable animal but was a real grouch whenever indoors and pretty much just plotted for an escape.

    I had a neighbor awhile back who raised Balinese cats.  They kinda look similar to Siamese carts but not as slender.  Blue eyes and similar coat colors though.    These cats were really cool though.  They all liked water and played like dogs kinda.   Very nice looking too.
      January 2, 2017 3:39 PM MST

  • They aren't all that clean really.

    I don't dislike them really ( though I like to act like I do and tend to be annoyed by cat worshipers)  I just don't like the idea of having them around to walk on the counters and everything else as they please with their litter box paws.   I'm  also mildly allergic to them.  Being near a cat or around one doesn't bother my sinuses, but being in a cat house for any amount of time makes me stuffy.  Also,  cat houses have a smell that cat owners become used to ( admittedly as a dog owner there is that too) that is just awful to me.  Still I like to pet and play with some of the cats in the area.  I  prefer dogs since they are easier to incorporate into my lifestyle.  A buddy I can take anywhere and do outside stuff with.  I can't see a cat enjoying a tent in the woods or a fishing boat all that much.

    My theory is they are drawn to my stand-offish and introverted nature.   They sense the commonality there.

    Ferals on the other hand are another story though.  The only thing worse than them are the people who release cats to become destructive and diseased ferals.  
      January 2, 2017 3:32 PM MST

  • We would so get on in real life Glis, we are just like two peas in a pod.
      January 2, 2017 3:36 PM MST

  • Probably.   I've gotten that vibe as well a few times.
      January 2, 2017 3:45 PM MST

  • 1128
    I'm a puppy or dog lover.  I'm allergic to cats!! My eyes water up and I can't stop sneezing. 
      January 2, 2017 3:35 PM MST

  • LOL maybe you will get lucky and come back as a cat lover in your next life :P
      January 2, 2017 3:37 PM MST

  • 22891
    wish i could get a pet, its too expensive being out of work
      January 8, 2017 9:18 PM MST

  • 3934
    They are second only to rescue dogs...;-D...

      January 8, 2017 9:33 PM MST