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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Saturday and Sunday there will be anti-Trump protests/rallies/marches all over the country. Will YOU go quietly into that dark future? Why?

Saturday and Sunday there will be anti-Trump protests/rallies/marches all over the country. Will YOU go quietly into that dark future? Why?

I wonder if the Trump worshippers have any idea how many millions of people are angry and furious and actively engaging in a variety of ways to display the anti-Trump views to the world? Trumpeters can pretend everything is fine and none of the protests are substantive but they would be very foolish to do so.  There is a growing awareness that we CAN do something about it. We don't just have to sit by and weep and kvetch and do nothing. This is America people! We get to voice our opinions and gather together and shout out loud our displeasure at what is going on. At least this is America at this moment. After January 20 who the he** knows what Trump will outlaw/abrogate/forbid? He isn't interested in the Constitution so that  will be no problem for him. Or any of his flunkies who silently do what they know is wrong just because they don't want to displease him. AARRGGHH! :(

Posted - January 14, 2017


  • 1326
    No, I won't go quietly into the future. I will engage in the proclaiming of the message of the good news of God's kingdom this weekend. The only hope for mankind, and the shining light at the end of this very dark tunnel. (Matthew 24:14) This post was edited by Autumnleaves at January 20, 2017 6:15 PM MST
      January 18, 2017 12:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    For every question I have asked you have a response based on religion. Do you ever respond to anything without dragging God along with you and making HIM the centerpiece of it Autumn? Do you feel an obligation when you interact here to have it be about God and religion? Otherwise do you have nothing else to contribute? I'm curious since I don't recall ever reading a response from you that was secular, unencumbered and not religious. Is that the only way you feel you are respecting God by always talking about Him? Otherwise you remain silent? Thank you for your reply.
      January 18, 2017 1:49 AM MST

  • 1326
    I am not going to apologize to you if you are offended I give you answers from the Bible. I find it interesting you say you are Christian yet you question the veracity of the bible as final authority on every matter.  my personal views on the subjects you question are the same as the bibles'. I value and treasure God's word for the sacred book that it is. (Psalms 19:7-11)in a world that lacks appreciation for divine wisdom I consider it a privilege, honor, and duty to let others know it's timely message. (Romans 10:8-10)
      January 18, 2017 11:39 PM MST

  • 2515
    There are 10,000 people who have signed up to march in Houston. No, I won't go. I don't really like large crowds. Houston is trying to get ready for the Super Bowl. Hopefully, crowds will be peaceful. I'm not going quietly into the future. I'm resisting at home.
      January 18, 2017 12:22 AM MST

  • 113301
    I wonder how fast things will change once the swearing in is completed Marguerite? We have today and tomorrow left of what we have known and depended upon in our government. After the swearing in, chaos follows.  With a man who prides himself on being unpredictable/unchecked/uncaring/unscrupulous/unstoppable! Anything can happen after that. It will depend entirely on his mood and whom he is Twitter-bashing and whom he wants to punish/attack.  That's all he does. That is his passion. He cannot get beyond that. It turns him on and juices him up. There is much resistance out there. Once it hits how will he react? It won't be noble or honorable or calm or thoughtful or logical. Those days will be gone when President Obama is replaced by The Donald. I'm sure I cannot even begin to imagine how awful it is going to be so I won't try. Thank you for your reply! :)                                                                                     
      January 18, 2017 1:55 AM MST

  • 1326
    I think you wise to stay home and not subject yourself to danger. :)
      January 20, 2017 6:07 PM MST

  • The only thing I'm fearing is the violence/destruction/chaos these protesters are going to cause. 
      January 18, 2017 4:10 AM MST

  • 1326
    I fear I will leave my home on Friday, to come home and listen to the news that things went awry. Hoping i'm wrong.

    This post was edited by Autumnleaves at January 19, 2017 3:24 AM MST
      January 18, 2017 11:44 PM MST

  • Well,  except for some "protesters".acting like a bunch of idiots,  it went better than expected. 
      January 20, 2017 8:49 PM MST

  • Can't help but wonder how many of there protesters actually went & voted & if they had of done, would the election have had a different outcome?

    Should voting be compulsory?  
      January 18, 2017 4:32 AM MST

  • 3191
    America is not divided neatly into two camps, one of protesters who proclaim the sky will fall now that Trump is president and the other of "Trump worshippers".  A great many Americans really did not care for either candidate but are hoping for the best while waiting to pass judgement on Trump's performance in office until there is actual performance in office to judge.  
      January 20, 2017 6:27 PM MST