Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We're asked to "give him a chance". To accept/adjust. PET clearly doesn't accept all of us. Why should we accept him? What's HIS obligation?

We're asked to "give him a chance". To accept/adjust. PET clearly doesn't accept all of us. Why should we accept him? What's HIS obligation?

Why is it a one-way street? He said he will be prez of all the people and so far I see no evidence of that at all. Where does he come off demanding acceptance when he refuses to give us any? Where does he bend/compromise/adjust?    

Posted - January 15, 2017


  • 13261
    Hi Rosie:

    What alternative do we have and what has he done to indicate that he won't "accept" (whatever that specifically means) you or me?
      January 15, 2017 9:14 AM MST

  • 113301
     Donald J. Trump defends Russia against his own Intelligence Community StuB. He champions Russia and Putin over his own people. He attacks the media and bans journalists he dislikes or refuses to answer their questions or insults them. He does not believe in a free and open press. He insulted one of the great actresses of our time because he is thin-skinned, petulant and vindictive. He puts a woman in as head of the Department of Education  who has fought against public education and  championed private school vouchers all her billionaire life. He puts in a head of the EPA who ridicules climate change. He wants Jeff Sessions as his AG who has a track record of racism, bigotry, homophobia. He chooses Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State who is and has been very cozy with Putin/Russia to the extent that he received the "friendship" medal which Putin placed on him personally. There are 63 plus million acres of Russian land to which Exxon has rights of drilling. They are FROZEN because of the sanctions Obama placed on Russia. The first thing Tillerson will do is lift those sanctions to open up billions of dollars of business for Exxon . He is loyal to Exxon first and foremost and has been his entire working life. Trump chooses a retired brain surgeon to head HUD. Carson knows nothing about how to run a department like that or any department. He said so. Trump appoints someone to head the labor department who has said robots are better employees because they don't complain, they don't get sick, they don't sue. I see no evidence that Trump is doing anything for the people. He is doing everything for the wealthy and the ALT-RIGHT WHITE comrades he has developed through the years and everything he can to shove Russia/Putin down our throats and up our a** es!. He is selling America out to Russia in front of everyone's eyes and all they do is say "give him a chance". To do what exactly? None of that may bother you at all but it terrifies me.  Did I answer your question? Trump doesn't accept people like me because  I don't shut up about his plethora of inadequacies and heavy-handed bully tactics and dangerous views. He insults many people. Perhaps you have not paid attention or more likely words don't affect you as they do me. Of course I know every time he opens his mouth he lies and maybe his peeps know that and don 't believe a word he says. I don't know what drives them. I know what drives me.  Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ironic. Such a person as Donald J. Trump dares to attack a civil rights icon like John Lewis who almost got beaten to death decades ago as young man who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. Ironies abound and surround and envelope Donald J. Trump. In a couple of days he will have all the power and no brakes. You apparently trust him. Why I do not know. His track record sucks both in his personal life and is business life.  Thank you for your question and Happy Monday.
      January 16, 2017 1:59 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello Rosie:

    Did THEY give Obama a chance???  Nahhh...  Instead, they brought the country to a STANDSTILL.. 

    Give Trump a chance to do WHAT, anyway???  I KNOW what he said he'd do, and I BELIEVE him..  I see NO reason why I should WAIT before I voice my disapproval. 

      January 15, 2017 9:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    Me too neither excon. Human beings come in a variety of configurations. Some like thee and me see flaws and speak up about them. Others sadly believe the flaws we attack don't exist or are actually beauty marks. That's the problem. I don't know why it's that way. Why is it that what we and others like us see is so different from what the supporters/defenders/worshippers/champions of Donald J. Trump see? I don't know if I will ever be able to understand that. Only a few more days. I'm waiting with great anticipation to see how many millions of people participate in the Anti-Trump women's marches worldwide. That alone will give months of Twitter-based attacks from the great Donald J. Trump.  Think he'll get around to everyone who marched and retaliate? Toss us all in jail or perhaps or send us to Gitmo? Hmmm. There's a question that needs to be asked which I will.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Dr. King's birthday Monday! :)
      January 16, 2017 2:07 AM MST

  • 1615
    I am disappointed to see people on this site that are so one sided that they see no reason to give someone a chance to perform before they start criticizing them, I suppose in your world  if people like what you like or if they agree with you then they are ok or  if someone makes a mistake in their life they don't deserve another chance. or is that only if it's Trump or a Republican?
      January 15, 2017 2:09 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello TT:

    I don't agree with you, but I think you're OK.

      January 15, 2017 6:31 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply TomT and Happy Martin Luther King Birthday Monday to thee.  Here's the thing. What we see are dangerous flaws. What you see are beauty marks. We shall never agree. So what? Who cares?
      January 16, 2017 2:07 AM MST