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Schools in Wyoming are gun-free zones. Betsy deVos, Education Secretary nominee, doesn't know that. Why?

When asked directly if she believed there should be guns in schools she said they have a grizzly bear problem in Wyoming so she thought a gun would be necessary to have on hand to kill grizzlies. It seems to me she should know what she is talking about vis a vis education if she thinks she has the right stuff to be secretary of Education. Of course her goal is to disband public schools and create vouchers to send kids to private schools...for profit schools. Since she is a billionaire and has never experienced public schools nor have her kids she knows zero about them. Should she bone up before she opens her mouth and embarrasses herself? Ignorance is not an asset when it comes to Education.

Posted - January 21, 2017


  • 22891
    i dont think there should be guns in schools at all
      January 22, 2017 9:43 PM MST