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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The Defense Department might acquire leased space in Trump Tower per Army Lt. Col.J.B. Brindle. The Donald as landlord too? jGREAT ain't it?

The Defense Department might acquire leased space in Trump Tower per Army Lt. Col.J.B. Brindle. The Donald as landlord too? jGREAT ain't it?

Posted - February 10, 2017


  • 154
    I can understand this for Secert Service.
    we paid to have a building built and then rented it every month for secert service at the Clinton home in NY.
      February 10, 2017 8:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    Did Clinton OWN the building and collect the rent for it? If not the example is irrelevant. Thank you for your reply TP and Happy Friday to thee! :)
      February 10, 2017 10:10 AM MST

  • 33756
    Yes Clinton's owned the building. So yes they deserve to be paid the rent.
      February 10, 2017 10:33 AM MST

  • 6988
    Perhaps Clinton collected the rent BUT gave the money to charity--------- something like----- uh,  THE INTERN CIGAR MAKING FUND.
      February 10, 2017 1:21 PM MST

  • Yea but it seems wrong that the prez will be profiting from leaves a nasty taste...  I mean i know everything comes at a price and wherever they went it would cost but.... Trump should either let them rent the space for nothing or give the money to charity/plough it back into the economy
      February 10, 2017 9:03 AM MST

  • 113301
    Not likely. Trump is out for himself. He is greedily needy and needs the dough to feel IMPORTANT. He is earning $1/year as prez and billions for all his secret deals. Sweet ain't it? :( Thank you for your reply DdbTD! The Donald is always first and foremost out for himself!
      February 10, 2017 10:12 AM MST

  • 6988
    I don't know about billions on secret deals, but his people are selling Trump campaign leftovers. You can get a Trump coin for $4.95 or a Trump T-shirt for $19.95. There is even a Trump two dollar bill that is legal tender and was printed by the treasury. Last week I saw a Trump "make America great again' hat laying on a security officers desk. Maybe Trump can pay off the national debt with these trinkets?
      February 10, 2017 1:31 PM MST

  • 33756
    That is how it works the SS pays whomever the property owner is. Be it Trump, Obama, Clinton, etc....see my answer below for more details.
      February 10, 2017 10:32 AM MST

  • Yes, I had no doubt as to how it works,  I have no reason to disbelieve you. my point was really that it is a huge moral and ethical dilemma.. the prez should not HAVE a business, and lets be honest he still does and so do his kids who are also part of his cabinet.. This creates a conflict of interests because he's going to do everything he can to protect that business and make sure it prospers.. A prez should not be in this position and all because of his arrogance and unprofessional stance in not giving up his business interests.. A prez should not profit from the government financially..  I think it's morally and ethically reprehensible... No way that would be allowed here.. I can only think there are lesser standards there, and i am very sorry to hear that  :( and people dared to say the Clintons profited from their time in office and were corrupt.. seems it's engrained into the system there.... utterly disgusting.. if America allows and condones that it's no wonder they have morally and financially corrupt leaders.. and it's no wonder poor old America is no longer great.. the country seriously needs to start with a good long look at the calibre of their leaders and their ability to engage in such corrupt behaviour.

    I distinctly recall hearing that from a security perspective the Trump tower was one of the worse possible to defend effectively.. so one would have to ask WHY the trumpets are requiring them to do that.. from the trump tower... as i say no wonder America has suffered so greatly in the last few decades.. with such laxness and tolerance of moral reprehensibility This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 10, 2017 1:49 PM MST
      February 10, 2017 1:48 PM MST

  • 33756
    No where in the Constitution does it require the President to get rid of their business. 
    He has put his sons in charge of the business (more than he is required to do) His children are not in his cabinet. 
    Actually I believe if a politician is only depending on his/her political job for income that lends more to corruption than someone who has income independent of their office. 
    There is no law saying the Pres or their family must live in the White House. Also just by it be known as Trump's residence automatically causes the SS to defend it. When Reagan was Pres. the SS defended the Reagan's home in CA even though they did not live there and it was for sale...they were not ever going to live there again. 
    Again this is just how the SS operates. 

      February 10, 2017 7:33 PM MST

  • Whew! thanks for all that info! Not that I didn't know anyway as we have discussed this before.. I guess horses for courses but imo and that of many other intelligent people, his retaining business interests puts him in a conflict of interest situation as he will naturally want to protect and and ensure that his business prospers.. even if at the expense of the tax payer and with a boost or two from using, or is that misusing his position.. Time will tell yes? But the fact that Trump will be profiting from their defence does seem worrying... If they are protecting him.. or his family.. then he shouldn't profit from it financially. did Reagan? Did Obama ask for rent? it's a conflict of interests..

    If as you say a prez who only relies on the salary is more open to corruption.. wow you guys seriously need to stop tolerating all this corruption within you govt..  Most politicians elsewhere would be proud to serve their country not be looking to make a profit beyond their salary. 
      February 11, 2017 10:40 AM MST

  • 33756
    It is not a matter of ask for rent. The SS comes on and they tell you they will rent this property and how much they will pay for it. 
    As I understand Obama is renting himself so the converted garage will be rented from Obama's landlord. Yes the paid rent to protect Clinton. Not sure about Reagan but there was security for the unused home.
    I am sure only the US suffers from corrupt all of the UK politicians are so clean they squeak when they walk lol. 
      February 11, 2017 10:55 AM MST

  • We occassionally get politicians who fiddle their expenses, claim for upkeep of two properties, or claim for secretarial support from their wife, that's not allowed. but yes, factually, we don't, fortunately, suffer from anywhere near the level of corruption I am hearing from you guys exists there.. I welcome all the teaching you are all giving me. 
    We are a lot more transparent here.. everything can be questioned, the govt are answerable to the public, they aren't in it to make profits.. our PMs often make a LOT of profit after they have left office for example as speakers, or from writing a book and they often get offered directorships etc.. but they do NOT and would NOT  be allowed to engage in corrupt goings on..
    I suspect it's something to do with the American, acknowledged rather than any offence intended, obsession and pre-occupation with money and power.. we don't seem to have that to the same degree... and as I say the Brits have a reputation for being fair and for being sticklers for detail.. so it wouldn't be allowed to happen here.. and neither would a majority ever vote for a repulsive obnoxious man with NO class or manners... it wouldn't be the done thing.. we are all way too reasonable here.or, ok the majority are... he wouldn't stand a chance..

    Here we hold our politicians accountable.. and we expect them to be answerable and to serve the people...  

    I am sure you are right about other countries not having a clean system... but fortunately we are lucky there... Don't forget we had laws and stuff before America was even founded.. our protective measures built in seem to protect us from insane or power hungry corrupt politicans at the highest level.. at least lol.
      February 11, 2017 11:09 AM MST

  • I think that having a free press and news reporting helps here.. anyone does something corrupt it gets reported in all the newspapers.. they are less selective than seems to be the case there where many AMericans tell me that news channels only report what they are told to report and it's all to do with money and making profit which seems to tie back to the political system.. so in other words bad things don't always get reported there as the news channels report only one side, their side as they all want to keep their jobs and keep the corporations happy.. .
      February 11, 2017 11:11 AM MST

  • 33756
    You can claim UK is full of clean straight laced politicians if you want. I really don't care enough to even attempt to debunk it.
      February 11, 2017 11:58 AM MST

  • I dont need to claim anything my sweet.. it is so... I have no reason to lie.. and the thing is where there is dishonesty and corruption, a) it's little league compared to the stuff there and b) it IS found out and reported as our system is made that way.. we wouldn't tolerate a bunch of self interested thieving barstewards leading the country...  I am sure you wouldn't dream of implying otherwise either.. 

    We've been doing this a long time... and it seems to work pretty well.. we have standards and hold politicians to account.. if your people don't that's the American system and it is what it is..  We share a common ancestry but there are subtle differences.. this is one of them.. please do feel free to learn from me as much as you like, I am happy to do the same.. I have learned from your words how the system works... thanks for that.. it's good to learn.. important to not just assume we are the same in how things are done.. you know us Brits are fond of our rules and regulations.. and our freedom.. this is why we wouldn't tolerate it.. too many rules and regs to stop it.

    I get most of my information about the state from please don't shoot the messenger... I am merely an observer and reporting back what I am told..  
      February 11, 2017 12:15 PM MST

  • 33756
    That is how it works. The SS rent from whomever the owner is of the property, they are using to protect the Pres and family and former Pres and family. 

    In this case, Trump is the owner. In Clinton's case they are the owners. Once Obama's garage renovation is complete the SS will be renting it from the property owner. (I am not sure if Obama is the property owner or if he is renting)

    So no biggie. Just how the situation works.
      February 10, 2017 9:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    Why are you shouting/yelling at me? I am not deaf. Next time please contain yourself and use Caps and small case letters. I do not appreciate being yelled at. FYI. Thank you for your reply m2c.
      February 10, 2017 10:13 AM MST

  • 33756
    ??????? What are you talking about??????
    I am using regular capital and lower case letters. 
      February 10, 2017 10:29 AM MST

  • 154
    The Obamas are renting that mansion.
      February 10, 2017 2:05 PM MST

  • 33756
    Ok. So the rent will go to the Obama's landlord.
      February 10, 2017 2:45 PM MST

  • 154
    I don't know but I will see if I can find out. I know the govt is building a wall around the mansion and putting the building onsite for the secret service.
      February 11, 2017 7:01 AM MST

  • 2515
    The Defense Department wants to rent an entire floor at Trump Tower. Office space available is between 13,500 sq.ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. That will cost about $1.5 million a year. I think there should be a budget to allow the president a certain amount of money to use for such expenses. He should not have an unlimited amount to spend, just because he is the president. I also know that it will be expensive to hire secret service and military personnel to protect him in all the places he calls home. 

    It is rather strange, because the Republicans are so conservative and want to keep government spending down. 
      February 10, 2017 11:06 AM MST

  • 6023

    I don't see the real problem.
    The military has to rent space close to the President, because of the "nuclear button" that has to be close to him in case it's needed.  So that means they can't rent a space in another office building nearby, due to the time it would take them to even cross the street in NYC traffic. 

    As to the cost?  Compare that to how much the DoD pays for ONE weapon system.  We've paid over $400 BILLION to Lockhead-Martin to come up with a new fighter jet, and it's still in development.  Then, we'll still have to pay over $1 BILLION per plane ordered.  See where I'm going with this?  For the cost of one plane or tank or ship, the DoD could rent space in that building for hundreds of years.

      February 12, 2017 9:43 AM MST