Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » With the selection of Robert Mueller is Trump in BIG TROUBLE or will The Trump Bubble continue to protect him? Why?

With the selection of Robert Mueller is Trump in BIG TROUBLE or will The Trump Bubble continue to protect him? Why?

Posted - May 18, 2017


  • 46117
    Hi Rosie,

    Trump will continue to get away with everything.   Why?  Because he has gotten away with stealing the presidency.   Remember?   He has all his evil ducks in a row and this travesty will continue long after he is gone because now they can keep replacing this pig with more and more bums and declare "Well he is much better than Donald Trump" as if comparing someone else to the DEVIL makes the other party OKAY because he is not as evil.

    In other words, this choice that America made will endure long after that cancerous stench known as The President is removed.X
      May 18, 2017 10:38 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The majority of Americans DID NOT VOTE FOR Doofus Donny. Due to the stupid system we have..aka Electoral College...the ALT-RIGHT-WHITE Nationalist Racist minority engineered the win insured by the Russian interference and the Doofus Donny group of criminals who colluded with them months in advance of the election. Next time around they will lose by an astonishing margin. EVERYONE better get off their lazy a**es and VOTE. No excuses! That includes voting in Primaries as well. There are very few obligations citizens have. Among the most critical is voting. Some can't be bothered to do that and they're the ones who kvetch and complain and moan and groan. Lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy. Thank you for your reply PSvS. :)
      May 19, 2017 2:17 AM MDT

  • 10603
    I think he is in big trouble because his inner circle might not be as loyal as he thinks they are. Because he trusted them they probably know a few incommoding things about him and the other members of the inner circle. And as bits and pieces of evidence turn up they will turn on each other to save their butts. I also think Trump is in trouble because Comey kept notes and FBI notes are considered as reliable evidence in court especially when the notes come from a highly respected FBI agent. Cheers
      May 18, 2017 11:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I totally agree with thee Nanoose. I think the reason why Doofus  Donny is frantic about Mike Flynn's testifying is that Flynn has a lot of really good embarrassing/incriminating/criminal stuff on Trump and Trump doesn't want we the people to learn about it. Doofus isn't being loyal to Flynn. He is showing how frightened he is and how very desperate.  He has obstructed justice and engaged in witness tampering. He is already up for impeachment simply by ignoring the Emoluments clause in the Constitution. The moment he was sworn in on January 20th he was breaking the law. So his days numbered and the noose  is tightening around his extremely corpulent neck.  We will eventually find out all the dirt on him that he has been trying to shovel under the rug including  being a  conduit for money-laundering for the Russians through real estate deals. He is a very bad guy. Very bad. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
      May 19, 2017 2:23 AM MDT

  • 2515
    Everyday is drama day at the White House. It's a reality show. No, I won't get used to it. No, I don't think Trump is in trouble. Why? Because the Republicans have the majority in all the branches of government. They will do what they came to do---shrink government, cut health care for the poor, the weak, the old, the defenseless, and the rest of the promises Trump made. But the clock is ticking. The next election is in 2018. 
      May 18, 2017 12:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Marguerite. According to Professor Lawrence Tribe, Constitutional Law Professor at Harvard, on January 20 when Doofus Donny took the oath of office he was automatically breaking Constitutional precedent and ripe for impeachment because of the Emoluments clause. That's for starters. Add to it everything else that he has sanctioned/condoned/created since then and he is doomed as are the pols who support him. As for the true believers who will drown with him rather than abandon him. they brought it on themselves. They do not deserve pity. They did not bother  to care about what a scumbag he was. They wanted him in and with all the cheating and manipulating  engineered by Russia and Trump and Trump's toady lemmings how could he lose?  All of them are toast. All his surrogates and yes men and yes women and the liars he has turned these folks into are toast. They have no credibility whatsoever. They sacrificed themselves on the ALTAR OF DOOFUS DONNY and they will pay the price for it. You cast your bread upon the waters. You reap what you sow. And so it goes! :)
      May 19, 2017 2:30 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i have no idea, only time will tell
      May 18, 2017 9:24 PM MDT