Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» I have this strong and nagging sudden desire to leave my house and go kick a stranger in the nuts. What should I do?
I like to take my aggression out doing something very physical. Got any wood that needs splitting? Or stacked? Or anything that requires the use of your BFH?
OK, you want an honest answer ? I would do like Bozette said and take my anger or aggression out in other ways like work first. If that doesn't burn it out of your system? Then go to a bar or pub and see who is the biggest mouth in there and go whack him! Let him take the first swing so you can claim self defense and then pull up the big boot and do a nut cracker! LOL. Then quietly walk away and disappear. Sometimes you just have to do these things. Most people don't understand but I do! Try beating up some stuff around your house first and use the other as a last resort. Been there, done that!