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Just heard the end of an ad. "Ron Reagan, lifetime Atheist, not afraid of burning in He**". What? Anyone know what he was promoting?

Posted - April 6, 2017


  • That is a GREAT commercial!

    He is promoting The Freedom From Religion Foundation...It pretty self-explanatory

    Christians talk about, promote & proselytize on the media all the time.
    As an unabashed atheist myself, I applaud this
      April 6, 2017 8:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thanks m'dear. I just heard the tail end of it. I did not see the entire thing or hear it. It just seemed really odd to me. But if it resonates with you then I guess it does the job it is intended to do. Thank you for the reply and the video! I appreciate it GJ. I don't agree with it but it isn't intended for me. I think religion/lack thereof is one of those very personal things that should be kept quiet. I know that is anathema to many religious folks who feel it is their DUTY to "spread the word of God". I do not agree with that. And Atheists  sometimes feel impelled to attack religious folks and put them down intellectually. I don't agree with that either. That's just me GJ!
      April 6, 2017 10:31 AM MDT

  • The FFR foundation advocates for a very clear separation of Church & State. It's not about attacking anyone

    "Atheists  sometimes feel impelled to attack religious folks and put them down intellectually."

    Not as much as Christian, Muslims, etc feel compelled to attack those who don't subscribe to their faith.
    In the US, if you are an Atheist, it gets used against you if you try to run for office, yet Christians get the gold key handed to them.

    My overall disgust with religious people is when they jam their faith down my throat constantly and they claim they are being persecuted because they can't practice hatred against others. I can turn on the telly or radio at any given moment and find a zillion Christian-related broadcasts. Broadcast one Atheist message (such as this) and people get into an uproar. That speaks to itself

      April 6, 2017 11:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am sorry that you have been attacked for what you believe. I think each of us has a right/duty/obligation to believe what makes sense to us and we ought to extend that same right to those with whom we disagree.  Atheists look down upon those who are religious. They let it be known that they think such folks are intellectually lacking. It doesn't bother me. I'm used to it. I don't return the insults. It  seems to me that people should be able to accept others and treat them as they want to be treated. The Golden Rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated.  It's too simple for many apparently because it is ignored far too often.  Thank you for your reply. I don't want anyone browbeating me to believe as he/she does and I don't  proselytize and browbeat others. Different strokes. Doesn't make one group superior and the other inferior in my opinion. For what it's worth. This post was edited by RosieG at April 6, 2017 12:08 PM MDT
      April 6, 2017 12:07 PM MDT

  • Atheists look down upon those who are religious

    It isn't Atheist or Religious people...It's PEOPLE in general. No need to fix a label to them 
    If it give you comfort in your life, so be it.  That's not up to me to judge, but it is up to me to judge when someone tells me that I will be comforted too if I open my arms to Christ, Mohammed or Cthlulu and it is up to me to speak out when laws and legislation are passed based upon religious doctrine. 

      April 6, 2017 2:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I want church and state to be TOTALLY SEPARATE. I am offended/disgusted/appalled by the politicizing of religion. I think it is BLASPHEMOUS and insulting. I have no intention of telling you what to believe. I expect the same courtesy from you. That's it. Simple. Fair. Easy peasy. I don't know why folks insist on making it so hard do you? It has to do with respect of course and remembering that what you believe does not automatically confer superior/inferior on you or anyone. Some folks believe it does. Being condescended to is not acceptable to me. I don't like being the receiver so I try not to be the deliverer thereof . Thank you for your reply GJ and Happy Friday! :)
      April 7, 2017 4:18 AM MDT

  • Good ad.
      April 6, 2017 8:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Lago and Happy Thursday.
      April 6, 2017 10:32 AM MDT

  • 604
    I'm not an Atheist but I really respect their thinking on things....the logic they use is usually impeccable......I was raised catholic & hated it.........UGH.......never go inside a church unless for  a wedding or such!!

    but they sure do their homework, and pretty much what they say and think should make 'religious folk' pause and think......but NAH.......never gonna happen!!!

      April 13, 2017 9:56 AM MDT