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Discussion » Questions » Education » Do you realize that if you apply the same standards to me that Trump supporters are attempting to apply to the bloviating orange bastard then I'm a super genius?

Do you realize that if you apply the same standards to me that Trump supporters are attempting to apply to the bloviating orange bastard then I'm a super genius?

Trump supporters are claiming that since Trump attended Wharton at a time when the average SAT score was a 1400 that he must have an IQ of around 156. 

I'm an INTJ who had a 1420 SAT score, a 99 on the AFQT (got blocked by the physical for too many undocumented scars), and a 1250 GRE (that one was a bit weak because I hadn't managed to get sober yet).  I also graduated from Syracuse University with a Master of Science in Library and Information Science with a 3.88 gpa. 

If you apply the same standards to me that Trump supporters are applying to the Donald then I must have an IQ of at least 160. 

Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 3934

    I don't doubt for a minute that Trump is smart.

    Dumb people don't succeed in a life based upon grifting, trolling, flim-flammery, and relentless self-promotion the way Trump has. Most smart people don't succeed like Trump, either. But being smart at least gets you in the playoffs. Dumb people are weeded out long before.

    The fact that so many Trump supporters BELIEVE that Trump, after a life of grifting, trolling, flim-flammery, and self-promotion has suddenly turned over a new leaf and is seeking public office for the general good speaks to THEIR intelligence (or lack thereof), not that of Trump.

      July 23, 2016 9:21 PM MDT

  • 275

      July 23, 2016 9:35 PM MDT

  • 1264

    We're all very proud of you CSV.  What size brownie button would you like.

      July 24, 2016 12:04 AM MDT