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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » These are DESPERATE times. Mike Bloomberg may be the only one who can rout out the CANCER. He has the money. Are YOU desperate too?

These are DESPERATE times. Mike Bloomberg may be the only one who can rout out the CANCER. He has the money. Are YOU desperate too?

Bloomberg is FLOODING the airwaves with ads. I think he is worth something like $55 BILLION and will spend WHATEVER IT TAKES to win. Now billionaires as a class are different from you and me. Suspicious untrustworthy selfish heartless. With some exceptions of course. There are always exceptions.

But those of us in the RESISTANCE agree that anyone would be better than what we have now and with that I AGREE ABSOLUTELY. We have had the worst and now it's time for us to get less worse.

Fight fire with fire. Fight oodles and boodles of money with MORE oodles and boodles of money.

Bernie has oodles and boodles but not nearly as much as bloomberg. Let's face it folks we are going to have to settle for WHOMEVER CAN BEAT the cancer. Giving it chemo won't be enough. It has to be CUT OUT completely. SIGH. Let the games begin in earnest now.

Posted - February 9, 2020
