Your rewrite must be grounded in a FAIR election without sinister intrigue cheating lying setting up fake phony or having any hostile foreign nation get within miles of hacking meddling screwing up things.
Can you do it? Are you up to it? Are you honorable enough talented enough and confident enough in your ability to follow the rules of FAIR PLAY or is that a dealbreaker?
Your reward? The mess we are in would never have been created. The world would never have been decimated destroyed overrun sucked up by destroyers manipulators cheaters liars bigots racists despots dictators. murderers. Children would not have been locked up in kennels and cages like unloved dogs. We would not be in bed with Russia. Our THREE branches of government would be INDEPENDENT of one another. and functioning in a healthy way not the diseased way they are today. There would be no hip pocket fake attorney general or phony secretary of state or stupid dumbs in gubment working against the best interests of the people sucking up to a demigogue crackpot.
Is that not reward enough?