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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You know how he LOVES to brag about his crowd sizes? Instead of exporting/annihilating his critics he will have them LOBOTOMIZED! Crafty?

You know how he LOVES to brag about his crowd sizes? Instead of exporting/annihilating his critics he will have them LOBOTOMIZED! Crafty?

Once zombified lobotomized there will always be from sea to shining sea massive vertical bobbleheads in his audiences. Millions and millions and millions of them. What better way to PROVE he is beloved by all?

A lobotomy will stupify and make sluggish the homo sap. No resistance to anything. Obeyance obedience docile . Perfect homogenized and delumped. Smooth as silk like milk. Something to look forward to isn't it?

Posted - February 10, 2020
