Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When did you receive YOUR share of the $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut TRICKLE DOWN* don gave to Corporations and the obscenely wealthy?

When did you receive YOUR share of the $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut TRICKLE DOWN* don gave to Corporations and the obscenely wealthy?


That is the Republican theory that you give all benefits to corporations and the obscenely wealthy and they in turn let some of it trickle down to their employees.

So it happened a few years ago and by now CERTAINLY you have already utilizied your share of the TRICKLE DOWN.

Your children's college educations are assured. You own your own home. Have a great job. Money in the bank. Perfect complete medical insurance coverage promised very long ago by the don. He finally came through for on every level. Who could ask for anything more?

God's in his heaven all's right with the world.

Living in a country where trickle down is the method of financing must be very comforting to you. No one goes to bed hungry. No homeless shelters because no one is homeless. No places to get a meal or a night's sleep on a cot. All gone. No longer needed. No one has to worry about shelter or food or clothing or being cared for medically. That is the assurance we get from the Republicans and have for years in a most sincerely comforting way and has been explained repeatedly the benefit of a trickle down society. We are the epitome of what trickle down can do. All other countries look to us for guidance. How did we do it?

Republicans always come through for you. Remember that as you visit your vacation home, travel to Europe and dine at the finest watering holes. Your secure comfortable wholesome life was provided to you by Republicans promising you the world and then coming through for you on every level. Lucky aren't you?

Posted - February 11, 2020


  • 35071
    I work for me. But I did get a tax cut. I did increase my employees wages.
      February 11, 2020 6:55 AM MST