Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » OF COURSE don cut out food stamps, medicare and all welfare programs. In a trickle down society none of that is needed. How do we celebrate?

OF COURSE don cut out food stamps, medicare and all welfare programs. In a trickle down society none of that is needed. How do we celebrate?

Posted - February 11, 2020


  • 10797
    He has this illusion that everyone is as wealthy as he is.  Therefore, anyone on welfare programs must be a freeloader.  he thinks that because he created such a great economy (eye roll) that there are jobs galore out there.  With so many jobs there is no need for welfare programs.  True,there may be a lot of jobs out there, but a majority are part-time, sub-minimum wage jobs.  One cant pay rent, buy food, and pay for health insurance on a part-time, sub-minimum wage job.  The man is delusional!  Why, I bet he thinks social security is a form of welfare as well.
      February 11, 2020 1:08 PM MST

  • 113301
    I think you give him too much credit Shuhak. Didn't he refer to other billionaires as MY PEOPLE at some point? At Mar A Lago all the billionaires who belong were told he would take care of them. So he clearly knows the dfference beween HIS PEOPLE and everyone else. He simply doesn't give a rat's a** about anyone at any time for any reason. He doesn't "take care of" anyone but himself so of course whatever he does to benefit himself will of necessity automatically benefit his ilk. He is an obtuse mediocre loser who is completely unaware of all he lacks. That is because he strongarm threatens intimidates wusses and gets away with it. The BEST people? Those who count? They have rejected him socially as a two-bit con artist. He moans and groans about not being accepted by "the elite". He thinks he is one. Hahahahahahahahahaha. If he could live in the alternate reality of his delusions he would have died long ago. He finally found enough folks who were deluded too and now they form this happy band of  colluders and conspirators. We mock them them. They think it is because we are jealous/envious. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Any of you nondons out there jealous of him or his supporters? This post was edited by RosieG at February 12, 2020 9:03 AM MST
      February 12, 2020 4:00 AM MST