Our Governor told don to stick it where the sun don't shine. Newsome made a deal with a few auto manufacturers to keep the stricter standards they had already agreed to meet. Now how the don is taking that is not lying down. He will strip California of all FEMA aid. He will take it a step further and no longer consider California part of the United States. He will work to decitizenize all California residents. He is working on that now with a team of lawyers. He thinks he has a very good shot what with SCOTUS being 5-4 his. Californians pay no attention to him at all. Californians support clean air lower auto emissions and most importantly their governor. After don disowns them and cuts them out of the will he can just forget about them. They will be a country unto their own and figger it out. They are pretty resourceful I am told. Anyway don likes 49 better than 50. You can divide it evenly by 7. You can't evenly divide 50 by 7. Why 7? Seven days a week of course. Important number. Everyone says so. That I can tell you! SIGH.