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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You have to meet people where they live or you will never connect with them. Where do don's peep live? In the shadow of his smile. SAY WHAT?

You have to meet people where they live or you will never connect with them. Where do don's peep live? In the shadow of his smile. SAY WHAT?

What that means is that you will only ever connect with them by complimenting him and acknowledging all the wondrous things he done since his time in the has begun.

You can see his tracks and so you focus on that best of them and extrapolate out what's to come.

Already we are best friends with Russia. If that isn't an amazing turnaround what is? We already know we cannot trust our intelligence agents so they all have to go. Good to know.

We already know that only don is trustworthy and only don always has out backs and only don always tells us the truth and only don always does what is best for us no matter what it costs him personally. We have to talk about it more.

We know he is a gentleman and courtly and polite and treat women with great respect and honors them. After all he would not be here without a mother. He has a wife (several if the truth be known) and two daughters. So of all people he would be most gallant and thoughtful and kind to all women as a show of respect to the women in his life who have been important to him whom he dearly loves.

We know he the president for ALL the people not just some. He has done something unthinkable. Brought all of us together as one nation. Yes there may be some politicals difference among us but we all absolutely respect admire one another and no one can ever put us asunder one from the other. All due to the great uniter...the don.

He loves children and animals and nature and the arts and music and literature and poetry. He admires talent in all people and supports it. He read voraciously and enjoys sharing his knowledge as well as learning from others. He is always open to learning from those whose job it is to keep informed.

His retention of employees is unheard of! 99% retention rate. That 1% had to do with those who chose to go into other fields of endeavor. Every hire has been a winder. He promised he would bring aboard the BEST people and once again he did not lie. He came through as any true-blue. I could go on and on and on. But I won't!

Posted - February 11, 2020
