He is out for blood. Out to get every person who ever told the truth about their experiences with him. Out to get everyone who dared not suck up to him. He is using every piece of government in that endeavor and so far no one is stopping him. A deranged focused furious wounded animal. Wounded how? Well wounded by being caught lying thousands of times caught cheating thousands of times caught sabotaging/undermining thousands of times and that for him is unendurable. The rest of his life will be spent in "getting back at" and in that quest all who cross him will be put on that list of people to get back at.
Minions will service him in that quest fearful that if they don't he will get back at them too. This is our life now. Those who service his every wish and those who watch in amazement at how low they who service him are willing to go to sate him calm him protect him. They all fear for their lives and so they are willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to keep his focus off of them and on "the other".
He is after all of those who refused to lie for him. He will not rest in his quest to DESTROY.
Off course that is the behavior of an insane person. All his peeps treat him as if he were sane. He never has been sane in the brain but of late his insanity has been unleashed and where it will take him and the country is unknown at this time. The enablers facilitators and bobblehead braindead are at fault now. The longer they drag this out the more damage the insane man will do. With their aiding and abetting him. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do". Baloney. They know exactly what they do. Do you? Are you one of his enablers/aiders/abettors/facilitators?