I would not wish to engage with an ANGRY GOD. A GOD who is so disgusted with people that would knowingly vote for pure evil TWICE. I just might give up on them and wipe them out and start all over again or not. Maybe the species will never amount to anything worth anything. Maybe no matter what HE does they will always revert to war and hate and death and suborning evil. Why bother? Learn the lesson the first time. No second chance. HE almost wiped us out entirely once. Gave us an out to try again. Well we screwed that up too royally. Chance number two goes down in flames on the back of the don. Another don term? Seriously? What GOD would tolerate THAT kind of disobedience? The don didn't do enough evil the first time so the people are giving him another chance to do more? INSUBORDINATION of witless mindless people. No hope for them. If you were GOD would you really give us another chance if we blow it again? WHY?