First Cabinet Secretary Ben Caron of HUD arrived to discuss the problem of HOMELESSNESS in California with our Governor Newsom. How can that possibly bode well when the don hates us so much and keeps attacking us on all fronts all the time? Remember the TROJAN HORSE? Is Ben the trojan horse surrogate?
As if that were not scary enough the don hisself is coming here for TWO fundraisers. One is hosted by Larry Ellison(the Oracle guy?) a billionaire of course and the other by another rich guy/gal somewhere. So the don will be on California soil and I wonder how he plans to contaminate it while he is here so that after he leaves our grounds will be totally contaminated? Sure he is lowering himself to visit California to get money that he desperately needs for his campaign (Mike Bloomberg is so rich the don is terrified of him). The don will grovel whenever he has to get money even in California his most hated state. Why he doesn't he buy his own way in I don't know. Isn't he a billionaire too? Anyway he will go wherever he has to go to get money. I expect he will wear a gas mask and some kind of protective suit while he is here so he won't have to breathe the clean air we have due to ignoring him completely and his FAILED attempts at rescinding of EPA rules. I mean once you breathe in crapped up air clean air will kill ya!