Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I doubt that anyone CHOOSES to be insane, wants to be or tries to or wishes he/she were. He/she just is. No hope ever?

I doubt that anyone CHOOSES to be insane, wants to be or tries to or wishes he/she were. He/she just is. No hope ever?

An insane person is never found guilty of anything. Innocent by reason of insanity. They go to a mental hospital not a jail. I don't know if any degree of insanity can be cured. It's like being pregnant. You either are  or you aren't.

Having an insane person prosecuted executed electrocuted would be a tragedy. Having them "put away" for life so they cannot harm others or themselves is what they usually do. Now of course I guess folks can fake crazy and maybe some have to escape imprisonment or execution. Remember MASH and Klinger always dressing as a dame so he could use a Section 8 to get out of the army? Of course they ignored him. I expect it can be pulled off and has.

However why would don pretend to be insane? He simply is and therefore he is not to blame for what he does since he doesn't know any better and cannot control himself. We should aim for his enablers/facilitators. They are doing him GREAT harm by their protecting facilitating. To what end? Well it won't end well for anyone and they are the ones to blame entirely for what is going on, what has gone and what will go on.

Posted - February 15, 2020


  • 46117
    Ted Bundy did not choose to be insane.  That is what facinates me about him.  I cannot tell you the hours I have spent analyzing him.  Not because I get off on creepy gore.  NO.  I had to force myself to endure that part of his story.  Why I did, was because this man had everything.  He knew how to get what he wanted by charm and grace.  He dazzled the best crime writer in America who sat next to him before he was charged with any murders, on a suicide hotline help volunteer job.  He sat next to her every night.  She never knew what he was.  He was loving to her and charming and caring.  Considerate.  

    He murdered women and could not help it.  He did atrocious things to them alive and dead.  He was beyond scum.  And he could not stop.  He was hunted and starving.  He didn't care. He had to keep killing.  His acts were worse than any animal.  

    Now, how can we blame the person?  How could he behave otherwise?  He was not the driver of the car.   Meaning, he had no command of his compulsions.  

    No one can tell me he chose this.    

    I cannot compare Donald Trump's mental anomalies to Ted's of course.

    Ted didn't destroy on purpose.  He couldn't help it.  It ruined his life right in front of his eyes.  He still had to kill.

    Now Trump?  He just keeps moving up the crime ladder because he keeps getting away with his crimes by worse criminals than he is.  He has a network of  worse than Ted Bundy.  Because at least TED was honest about what he was. I mean, for a lying sociopath, he was OUT THERE for the world to see.  AND RECOGNIZE.   He kept killing until he was caught red-handed.

    NOW these creeps that are "TRYING" Trump in front of the NATION?  These demons are covering up the CRIMES.  These CREEPS in the White House have destroyed the America our forefathers built without batting an eyelash and KNOW THIS.... and COULD CARE LESS as long as their butts are covered.   The only reason this is not ALEX JONES insanity, this rant, is because it is TRUE. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 15, 2020 9:09 AM MST
      February 15, 2020 8:44 AM MST

  • 10699
    People fake insanity to get a lesser punishment.  The "insane" get different treatment than the "regular" criminal population.  An insane person cannot be executed.  So by pleading insanity, "they beat the rap" (so tosay)We assume insane people cant help themselves while everyone else can.

    I'm afraid I have a much different viewpoint on this subject than you do.  I think too many criminals fake insanity (and their lawyers encourage it) when in fact they are just as "sane" as you and me.  Not only does this take away resources from those who are really insane (and need the help), but it makes it harder to say what is "insanity" and what isn't. 
      February 15, 2020 9:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    How do you figure that? Do you think don is faking being insane? That's what I'm talking about Shuhak. I'm not sure what you're talking about vis a vis our viewpoints differ. Please explain because I am at a loss. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      February 15, 2020 9:33 AM MST

  • 10699
    I think we're fighting two different wars here.  I'm coming from the judicial point of view.  I believe that many criminals fake insanity (in front of a judge) to avoid the death penalty, getting a lengthy sentence, or being put into the regular prison population.  Since, just as you stated, people who are insane can't help their actions.  Therefore, insane criminals are granted a bit more "liberties" than the sane.  
    My viewpoint differs in that I believe anyone who commits premeditated murder (and is proven to be true) should be executed - sane or not.

    As for our self-appointed king... yeah, he's nuts-o!  And his lunacy is made all the worse by all those who bow before him.  The more they feed his delusions, the worse he gets.  Th e worse he gets, the more they swoon before him.
      February 15, 2020 12:53 PM MST

  • 113301
    An eye for an eye. That is not anathema to me. I think anyone who plans and successfully commit murder should be executed too. How many bazillions of dollars do we spend on keeping murderers alive..medicating them when needed..feeding them housing them? Why should we? Of course there is always the outside chance that an innocent person is in prison. That's something that would temper death because there is no coming back from it if you were mistaken. It's complicated. I wonder how many insanity pleas there are versus how many trials. I'm gonna Google it and see what comes up. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. All pedophiles who torture rape murder should be killed on TV slowly and painfully. No exceptions. Of course they don't last long when they are incarcerated. Even heinous criminals have a line you do not cross and pedophiles are always targeted.:)
      February 16, 2020 2:50 AM MST