Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Bernie says "Bloomberg doesn't have the right to buy the presidency". Of course he does. People have the RIGHT to buy what they want. DUH?

Bernie says "Bloomberg doesn't have the right to buy the presidency". Of course he does. People have the RIGHT to buy what they want. DUH?

Bernie has the right to buy whatever he wants. Why does he think he has the right to tell Bloomberg he doesn't have the right to buy the presidency? Seriously?


Bernie is trying to buy the presidency too. On a smaller scale. Why else does he brag about the millions his supporters send in? Money talks Bernie and you've been talking it up too else we would never know what YOUR war chest has in it. Bloomberg came along and made yours look puny. Before Bloomie showed up weren't YOU top dog money-wise? The difference is just in the size not the purpose. Buying elections is what people do. It takes money to run ads. It takes money to pay people to go out and try to get folks to vote for you.

Bernie wants it two ways it seems. Can he have his cake and eat it too? Mebbe. He has a powerful lot of supporters.

Posted - February 18, 2020


  • 10799

    In this country one has the right to buy anything or anyone (unless it is not for sale... even then one can still try).

    Technically, every candidate is trying to "buy" the presidency.  The commodity they're trying to purchase is a vote.  Each candidate must persuade the seller of the vote to sell it to them (much like an auction).  They can use many things for "currency" - money (actual or implied), lies, promises, appearances (performances), speeches, and more.  

      February 18, 2020 10:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    That is my point precisely! When Bernie goes all holier-than-thou it irks me. He is a buyer too. He just doesn't have the same amount of money that Bloomberg does. There is NO DIFFERENCE between them and the fact that Bernie thinks his purchasing is superior is baloney! In my opinion. I think he is just as much a phony as all the others.  Thank you for your reply Shuhak. Now watch the sh** hit the fan that I dared say that!
      February 18, 2020 12:04 PM MST