Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In politics some people will eat their own to survive. Some won't. Watch how the dems attack one another. Ugly isn't it?

In politics some people will eat their own to survive. Some won't. Watch how the dems attack one another. Ugly isn't it?

Posted - February 18, 2020


  • 46117
    I'm not watching.  

    I am voting for Bernie.  Period.  

    I don't need to watch.  Bernie is a gentleman.  I trust he will do and say the right thing.  He always always always does.  

    If we can get Obama elected, we can get Bernie elected.    We need to start banding together to do the RIGHT thing and bring AMERICA BACK.  

    Screw making America Great again.  America is like a a confused male who decides to be a female and then decides to go back to his natural state.  America, is never going to be the same.  Will America be better?  That is up to us.

    Here is a weird example.  Bruce/Caitlen Jenner.  Once a proud, virile male Olympian.  A MACHO CHAMP.  Then he decides to become a WOMAN.  Now if Caitlin wanted to be BRUCE AGAIN?

    That is what Trump did to America.  It can never be BRUCE again.  Maybe we can build from this experiment, but we can never go back to what we were.  No one will trust us if we have Trump at the helm. No one on this globe.  If Bernie were President?  He would reestablish that trust in less than a year.  

    Bloomberg? NOT EVEN REMOTELY.  

    So, Buttigieg, to me, is like that President of Ukraine.  Smart and nice but out of his league.  

    So, the DEMS NEED TO ATTACK each other.  How do we know who to vote for?  Who remains standing?  BERNIE of course.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 18, 2020 12:12 PM MST
      February 18, 2020 8:24 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      February 18, 2020 12:12 PM MST

  • 10799
    In politics, it's always boils down to me, me, me.  They may say, "my good friend" on stage, but their actions and words elsewhere dispute that.

    When a good person does evil, the devil sits back and rubs his hands together with glee.   When the dems scratch, claw, and devour each other, the don does the same.  Their infighting only makes him more powerful (likely to win).
      February 18, 2020 9:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    I am totally and completely DISGUSTED with any dem who attacks another dem. Period. So I am curious to see which viper lasts to become the dem candidate. It may be this year that I VOTE for the GREEN PARTY. I almost did in 2016. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak.
      February 18, 2020 12:13 PM MST

  • 10799
    (I mean no offense here)   Unfortunately, no third party candidate has much of a chance.  In fact, many of them are unknown to a vast majority of voters.  Therefore a vote for them is like a vote for trump (one less democrat vote). This post was edited by Shuhak at February 19, 2020 4:09 AM MST
      February 18, 2020 1:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    I know you don't m'dear. I voted for Hillary for that very reason and a fat lot of good it did me! She WON the popular vote by 3 million and she lost. Not very conducive to my repeating that mistake again. I honestly do not know for whom I shall cast my vote. Last time I settled for less worse and we got worst worse so it doesn't bode well this year either. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! What to do? What to do? What to do? AARRGGHH and OY VEY! :(
      February 19, 2020 4:11 AM MST

  • 35077
    You want your party to challenge your nominee. To get the dirt on them out in public before the general.  Your nominee needs to be able to answer the attacks. Answer their bad actions (we all have them) The nomination process gives them time and practice handling things.  You not want them learning to handle it in the general election....you will lose. 

    There is a reason they start so early in IA and NH, it is practice. 

      February 18, 2020 10:02 AM MST