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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In 2016 I was so disgusted I almost votef for the GREEN Party. This year I may do that. Would YOU settle for crap TWICE IN A ROW?

In 2016 I was so disgusted I almost votef for the GREEN Party. This year I may do that. Would YOU settle for crap TWICE IN A ROW?

Posted - February 18, 2020


  • 46117
    That's funny.  When Clinton was running, I was so disgusted by him and his phony baloney lies and Al Gore and Tipper, I almost did the same.

    Clinton turned out to be okay.  So was Gore, but for the times, I wanted someone more progressive.  Clinton sounded phony baloney and Gore and Tipper were insufferable.  BUT SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS ADMINISTRATION, it makes me think of Camelot.

    Clinton is a mixed bag to me (BILL).  I don't trust him.  He re-wrote history about himself.  He was not this GREAT HERO guy.  He was very effective and so smart. I loved him and loved to hear him speak after he got into office.  He was a brilliant statesman.  

    Then BUSH?  

      February 18, 2020 12:31 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      February 19, 2020 2:16 AM MST

  • 46117
      February 19, 2020 2:17 AM MST

  • 46117
    You are welcome, Rosie!
      February 19, 2020 2:17 AM MST

  • 46117
    And if you are going to vote GREEN why not just vote BERNIE?

    He is greener than any green vote that you are just throwing in the toilet.  
      February 18, 2020 12:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    You are as invested in Bernie as the dumb don supporters are invested in him Sharon. You are TRUE BELIEVER. You are convinced in his superiority. I am happy for you. Thank you for your reply.
      February 19, 2020 2:17 AM MST

  • 46117
    Well, let us see what two intelligent women who are on the same side but disagree can do with this.  I like Bernie and I have followed him for years.  I AM ALMOST POLITICALLY RETARDED compared to those who really know politics, but I am a force to be reckoned with now, because of Trump and because I have spent the last 3 years, as you know, in doing nothing but learning politics, thanks to Trump.  Because in order to feel the anger that you and I do?  You have to spend that much time to understand what a monster he is and what he has done.  Rosie, disagreeing with you on which candidate to choose is easily discussed when I am talking to a person of reason.  I am not talking to a Trump base person.  So, you won't anger me by not "believing Bernie".  I totally think Bernie is going to win everyone over before this is over.


    SO, whatever you say, I'll listen.    

    No one has the wherewithall that we do.  No one else researches every story he puts forth.  Every tweet the scum has tweeted.  No one else knows as much about the horror story that is TRUMP.  Me and YOU.  And THAT is WHY Trump gets away with it.  No one else cares to spend this much time on finding out what is going on.  TRUMP WEARS THEM OUT.  

    So,  you and I will listen to one another.  I am very interested in your take.   You know I am.  I talk to you every day practically.  So, you won't make me mad ever.  I respect your political knowledge.  I know you like Mayor  Pete.   I think he is WAY too green.  He, however, is very intelligent. 
    Mayor Pete. not great to me.  He has too many things (I'll cite them if you care) against him.  GAY is not the least of them.  His record is.  He really is not going to get the black vote.  NOPE.

    That matters.  

    Now Bernie?  I have no dream.  I think this is a man that is steady on his feet.  Well-spoken.  Answers without attacking.  Measured thinker.  Very REAL person.  Not a liar.  Not a flip-flopper.    What, ROSIE, do you think I am dreaming about?  I have studied the man for the last 3 years.  I admire him.  I admire Elizabeth too, but she changed her platform.  Sorry, Liz, Bernie held firm.   And BERNIE WOULD CREAM TRUMP.  No doubt.  Like HILARY SHOULD HAVE.  She was as smart.  But she had to be careful what she said because she is as crooked as he is.  Or why didn't she?  She looked like an idiot on that stage.  Where was her knowledge?  Why didn't she throw down with TRUMP?  (I digressed) 


    I do shiver in my shoes at the thought of what big money will do to Bernie to bury him.  And we still need to vote out the Senate.  We can all do this.  But not if you think Mike Bloomberg is your man just because he is buying ads to blast Donald Trump.  
    That's someone I would vote for IF.    IF BLOOMBERG did NOT run for president this time, and instead got rid of TRUMP with his BILLIONS (he can spare a few, he has 65,000,000 dollars, Rosie.  He has that much.  Do you think he can be trusted?  Then if he could be, he would spend his billions on getting RID OF TRUMP.   Spend your billions on saving the FKING EARTH, MIKE.  He is a real jerk.  What is he?  The Michael Bolton of Climate Change?  He'll only save the planet, AFTER he wins OFFICE?  Yeah.  How does that make a lot of sense?  He was a terrible Mayor.  He has a stop and frisk record that I will show you.  There is no way any person of conscience can brush what he did off.  And it is KNOWN.  This is not hearsay.  He openly ordered BLACK people to be stopped and frisked, along with people of non-white races.  And Buttigieg is not that great with the black community either.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 19, 2020 2:47 AM MST
      February 19, 2020 2:38 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful exposition vis a vis why you like Bernie. Have you ever taken an instant DISLIKE to someone? Did anyone ever talk you out of it? We react to folks in different ways. My take on Bernie is negative. It was from the get go. I never once entertained any thought of voting for him. Your take and all his other supporters isn't negative. It is what it is. I also don't like Stephen King novels, loud people or Starbucks coffee. No amount of conversation will change my mind about those things either. It is what it is. WE ARE WHOM WE ARE. May the best man/woman win. We don't know whom that is in advance. It is ALWAYS A CRAP SHOOT. Will we be "Lucky" this time? I dunno. I sure hope so. This post was edited by RosieG at February 19, 2020 2:51 AM MST
      February 19, 2020 2:50 AM MST

  • 46117
    NO.  I see the soul  Always have.  I like people and I am good in my judgment.  Not perfect.  But, still, really good.  

    I like Elizabeth Warren.   She is good at what she does and with Bernie as Pres, she could go far, indeed.   With Bloomie?  NOT SO MUCH.  You see?  This is one reason Bloomberg is not our guy. 

    I think Mayor Pete is the iffy one.  I think of Mayor Pete the way you think of Bernie.  But I have a better reason than just I DO NOT LIKE HIM and I don't know why.  I DO know why.  He is a measurer.  He knows what clever things to say.  And when pressed?  He does not stick to those words and he has to backpeddle A LOT.  And, I dunno, I just think he is a smooth operator.  He would be brilliant regarding how to run an office.  He would be good at presenting the White House in a very dignified manner.  No more embarrassing tweets and harrassment of any person that disagrees with him.  That would be good.  HEALTH CARE?  Not so MUCH.  Social Security?  Who the FK knows, Rosie?  I don't believe the Senate would be moved by Pete.  (NOT THAT THEY WOULD WITH ANY DEM.  IMAGINE BERNIE??? LOL)  But I imagine a progressive Senate in 20/20.  I hope. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 19, 2020 3:00 AM MST
      February 19, 2020 2:59 AM MST

  • 555
    I know how you feel, Rosie...I did in fact vote Green in our 2019 General Election. It felt better than writing "None Of The Above" on the ballot paper, which is what I did in 2017. In December 2019, there were 8 candidates in my district, so I felt I should be able to find one half-decent option.
      February 19, 2020 1:59 PM MST