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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Would Bernie run for prez if he were a billionaire 60 times over? How much money do you think HE would spend then?

Would Bernie run for prez if he were a billionaire 60 times over? How much money do you think HE would spend then?

He sez haing 60 billion means you are an oligarch. I didn't know it was how much you have. I thought it was how you used it. He wouldn't use his great wealth to become president or he would not bother running if he were that wealthy? I dunno what makes Bernie run.

Posted - February 19, 2020


  • 2836
    I'll make this short and sweet, Rosie.
    If you knew anything about Bernie Sanders, you would know that he has always devoted his life to helping others and to better society in his role as an activist and a politician. 

    I can't imagine that he would have done anything different than what he is doing now. As a Native New Englander from several bordering states, one being conservative and one being ultra-liberal, I and WE have always been keen on Mr.Sanders and as such, he enjoys a high level of popularity there. Outside that region, others are just getting to know him recently which is a shame. His contributions to American society are being enjoyed, right this moment by every American citizen. For example, the reason y'all can have access to your credit reports for free, he was one of only a small few who fought and voted against the Iraq war because of the financial & social consequences to the US and the international community.
    I could go on and on and on.

    I think that the corporate DNC smear machine not only needs to be shut down, but it needs to be fire-bombed out of existence. MSNBC and it's hysterical clowns Chris Matthews and the fu*kface Chuck Todd calling Bernie supporters "Brown Shirts" are among the worst of the worst.   

    I voted for Bernie in New Hampshire. He won Both NH and Iowa and the DNC is once again up to their same tricks trying to steal the nomination from him. Do not fall for that trap or we will have another 4 years of corruption, chaos, divisiveness, hatred, racist rants, incessant adderall-fueled post-midnight tweet rants by that fat POS orange buffoon who is bilking the American people for everything we are worth to line his pockets.

      February 19, 2020 9:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    This is what I know about Bernie. Just Googled it today. His net worth is $2.5 million Jon so he is a millionaire. He talks about oligarchy and that bloomberg's $60 billion will buy the election. ALL CANDIDATES TRY TO BUY THE ELECTION. That is the complete and entire point of fundraising and soliciting contributions. It matters not to me at all that a bazillion "little people" send Bernie $25 bucks or that Bloomberg funds himself. They all want to win and they all are BUYING their way to do that. Else-wise otherwise why would Bernie release figures of what he has raked in from you and other supporters?  He was bragging until bloomberg came along which made Bernie's bragging pathetic.  I am not singling him out Jon. All I'm saying is that his MO is THE SAME as all of them only on a smaller scale. Why does that make any difference at all? The motive is the same and the method is the same. Only the scale is different. That may be meaningful to you which is your choice. It is not remotely meaningful to me. Apologies. I am beginning to think ALL THE DEM CANDIDATES STINK equally in different ways. I'm glad you are so intensely emotional about your choice. I would like to feel that way about someone but I don't. I am an equal opportunity wart pointer outer. None of them is suitable as far as I can tell according to me. Not one. At least not so far. Perhaps tonight it will change. I hope so. Feeling/thinking as I do is not remotely joyful. I am MISERABLE so perhaps you can find joy in that. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to you! :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 19, 2020 11:01 AM MST
      February 19, 2020 10:31 AM MST

  • 2836
    EXCUSE ME?! 

    $2.5 million, while not an amount to sneeze at, is about what many middle and upper-middle-class have in their 401Ks.
    I'll makes this even clearer. Mike Bloomberg is a pure Sh*t. He is only watching out for his best interest. You may as well vote for Trump.
    Bernie does not brag. He states facts. All of his fundraising efforts are grass-root.  Bernie Sanders has NEVER tried to buy an election. 

    I get that you do not like Bernie because he challenges your pet, Hillary. She did not deserve to be president and she STOLE the election from Bernie with both that ridiculously rigged super-delegate process and through insider-shenanigans by the DNC, Wasserman SKANK Shultz, and Chelsea Clinton who is on the board of several ANTI-Bernie news outlets like the DAILY BEAST.

    Bernie Sanders is NOT the same at all those A'Hole dems and the utter filth in the Republican party.  Bernie Sanders was not a Dem and WAS an independent but he had to declare a party in order to secure a nomination. Such is the rigged, political system of the Anti-Freedom United States of Fascism

    My choices are based upon facts, not the spoon-fed drivel coming from the media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS...

      February 19, 2020 11:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    You are being ridiculous. Hilary is not my pet Jon. You had potential. You just blew it with a very rude uncalled for GHASTLY reply. Goodbye. I'm not amused. This post was edited by RosieG at February 19, 2020 11:13 AM MST
      February 19, 2020 11:13 AM MST

  • 2836
    You blew it when you openly posted BS commentary that is blatantly anti-Bernie.
    I wonder where you are pulling this crap from because it sounds like FOX news or from the Hillary smear machine.
      February 19, 2020 11:17 AM MST

  • 46117
    This is not the question you would ask.  

    Bernie is not someone with a track record he would have if he were a MULTI BILLIONAIRE.  That is his PLATFORM ROSIE.

    I have to go to work now. More later.....
      February 19, 2020 11:14 AM MST

  • 2836
    She obviously has such disdain for Bernie that she allowed it to obscure her vision and has not to take the time to fully research this man's achievements and ethics.  If she had, this ridiculous post would have never been made.
    Shame Shame Shame!
      February 19, 2020 11:19 AM MST