Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» D'ya think anyone would have paid any attention to Bernie if he were calmer quieter mellower? Is it his loud emotional that grabs folks?
D'ya think anyone would have paid any attention to Bernie if he were calmer quieter mellower? Is it his loud emotional that grabs folks?
He sure gets attention when he talks. He shouts. The louder more emotional the more his folks must appreciate him. Loud means he has great convictions? Quieter would indicate less than? It's puzzling.
There is an old aphorism that politics is show business for ugly people. Just as an actor playing Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet wouldn't react to being stabbed with "Dude...bummer," nor would a play-by-play announcer react to a superior LeBron James play with "By jove, that was simply spiffing," politicians giving political speeches are trying to invoke an emotional response.
Perhaps you would prefer a world where this was not so, but it is the world we have.
This post was edited by SaltyPebble at February 20, 2020 6:29 AM MST
I'm not a fan of LOUD SP. I confess it to thee. I prefer quiet calm controlled intelligence. Not LOUD BANG BOOM KABOOM to get my attention. I tune out tune off and move on. I never have admired loud anything. So yes I would prefer a quieter world..calmer, intelligent, logical, balanced. Thank you for your reply! :)