In my opinion the so-called "debate" was appalling but certainly the cup of tea for everyone in the White House. I don't blame them for being thrilled and pleased and delighted. Bring it on. Give 'em more of that.
To a person the stupid shone brightly. How could that be? Surely among them some are BRILLIANT intellectually. But you sure couldn't find it anywhere. It was MIA. They were all so intent at "hitting back" and "striking out" at one another they totally missed the opportunity to fight the real monster who was not evem present.
Now ya gotta remember these are all folks who have the NERVE to refer to themselves as Democrats. Not to me they aren't. No focus on what matters. Childish behavior. Mediocre mentality. The worst I trust of what they have to offer. Why did they CHOOSE to do it that way? Will it be a repeat performance the next time out? Do they learn NOTHING from their failures? Some of 'em collected MILLIONS from their performances. Boy I sure don't understand why! Their supporters don't expect much from them apparently. Sigh.