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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » CRUELTY used to be despised. But people grow and change and now it is the basis of a political movement. The meaning of that is what?

CRUELTY used to be despised. But people grow and change and now it is the basis of a political movement. The meaning of that is what?

Stick around long enough and what you are and admire and worship will be admired and worshipped by millions of others. Truth is a good thing. Owning up to what you are and what you think and what you hope and what you adore and what you admire can be surprisingly beneficial. You'll find bazillions of others out there just like you. No secret handshake needed. Just bond together and support cruelty at every juncture at ever level every minute of your life. It gives your life purpose and meaning and at the end of your life you will look back on what you fought for all your life and be most pleased with you. On your deathbed being pleased with your accomplishments and friendships is a very good thing. Isn't it? May we all be so blessed.

Posted - February 23, 2020
