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How many foods will you never eat again because your mom cured you in her overdo? Was she a pretty cook otherwise?

Posted - February 23, 2020


  • 19937
    My mom was a pretty good cook, but she would make stew and use chuck for the meat and I couldn't stand it.  I would take all the meat out and just eat the vegetables.  She did, however, make a fabulous pot roast and I won't eat anyone else's. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at February 24, 2020 7:35 AM MST
      February 23, 2020 8:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    I don't know why L but as I read your reply I got a mental picture of your doing that and I giggled. I don't know why that tickles me so much! My mom made a great pot roast too but she'd boil the he** out of broccoli and it amazes me that broccoli is probably my favorite vegetable...but steamed to still crunchy and still bright green. Her broccoli was a grey soft mush. I just giggled again. But aren't they fond memories? Looking back on those days from where we are now is comforting. Thank you for sharing that and Happy Monday m'dear! :)
      February 24, 2020 1:48 AM MST

  • 19937
    To be honest, I don't recall what my mom did with the veggies.  We usually had potatoes in some form with meat or chicken dishes.  Other than her stew, she was an excellent cook although no one in my family besides her seemed to have much of a desire to try new dishes.  
      February 24, 2020 7:37 AM MST

  • 10699
    My mom was NOT a good cook (but she tried).  She could (and did) burn water.  Over 90% of the food she "cooked" for us was burnt (we ingested a lot of charcoal growing up).  I learned why when I got older.  She only knew 2 stove settings - high and off.  Her logic was the higher the setting the faster (sooner) the food would cook.  To this day I cannot get her to use medium or low settings when she cooks - even on a toaster!  After the back addition was put onto the house, my dad installed a smoke detector just outside me and my brother's bedroom.  Even though it was far from the kitchen, that thing went off nearly every evening.  One day I climbed up and removed the battery just to stop it from screaming.  It got so that if we didn't see or smell smoke in the house around 6 pm, we'd know that either it was Sunday or something was wrong).   
    My dad want any better at cooking (army cook). He once made lettuce soup (uncooked).

    I don't like hamburger.  Why?  Because we were fed it 300 days a year (ok, ok, I'm exaggerating a little... it was really only 200).  Either burnt meatloaf, burnt hamburger patties, or burnt crumbled hamburger in mushroom gravy (to hide the burnt).  It wasn't until my first visit to McDonalds that I learned that hamburger wasn't supposed to be crunchy.

    I'm turned off of peas as well.  Our main vegetable was canned peas.. boiled canned peas.

      February 23, 2020 6:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh Shuhak! I read Spunky's reply and she had me giggling. Then I read yours and honestly it's the first time on an internet social site (been on one since February 2005) that I was brought to tears from LAUGHING SO HARD! This is a RIOT and you are a very funny(HAHAHAHA) human being. You should have been a comedian's joke writer! I kid you not. Any time I'm feeling down all I shall have to do js read this again! Thank you for a great beginning to my day. It gives me strength to push through whatever I encounter. I just got a one-two punch of jocularity. First Spunky, now you! Boy am I ever lucky! Thank you for your hilarious reply and Happy Monday! Let the games begin! I'm all set! :)
      February 24, 2020 2:17 AM MST