Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I'm lucky. The candidate I wanted to vote for pulled out early. Whoever wins is fine. But I pity those who will be devastated. Might you?
To be honest, I wasn't crazy about any of the original 15 (or 30, or however many) nor am I happy with any of the remaining candidates. Having said that, I will vote for whomever wins the Democrat nomination because I can't stand the idea of another Trump term.
I wanted Senator Kamala Harris L. But her campaign didn't generate enough money. So to me the rest of the group is the same. Each of them has warts but in different places. The Bernie group seems loudest most intense and largest. So whatever happens and whomever is THE ONE I'll vote for him/her. I'm not thrilled with any of them. It's a crapshoot anyway. We won't know how anyone does until AFTER IT'S TOO LATE. Dumb system. Wish we could test them all in some way. The debate format sucks. Thank you for your reply! :)
I wasn't crazy about her either, or Corey Booker, or any of the others who dropped out. If this is the best the Democrats have to offer, we're in trouble - not that the Republicans are any better. The debate format does nothing to help the voter. It winds up with everyone yelling over everyone else. Sometimes, a question can't be answered properly in the time allotted. I think the best way is when each of the candidates are interviewed alone and given an opportunity to put forth their platform.
As it was in 2016, so shall it be in 2020... 2 individuals vying for the highest office in the land - and neither qualified to do it! A self-proclaimed king, or a two-faced socialist.