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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Among all the sad things about "way back when" is that there were no historians there to document things. What would YOU like to have known?

Among all the sad things about "way back when" is that there were no historians there to document things. What would YOU like to have known?

Who was the first person to commit an act of CRUELTY on another homo sap?
Who was the first person to tell a lie? That would be after language was invented of course.
Who was the first person to sacrifice him/herself to save another?
Who was the first person to actively seek to help those less capable able?
Who was the first person to feel "love" for another?
Who were the first friends?

Of course we know historians can lie. Current-day alleged documenters of what goes on lie all the time so of what use is that "history" going to ever be?

And since none of us were alive thousands of years ago how do we KNOW what was documented then was true and not a political partisan spin to convince folks that nothing was wrong everything was fine

AT what point was the ART OF LYING held highest? Higher than it is today?

Posted - February 25, 2020
