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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Since dumb don specializes n CRUELTY he works his a** off 24/7 going over things he can do to promulgate it. Saint don of dumb?

Since dumb don specializes n CRUELTY he works his a** off 24/7 going over things he can do to promulgate it. Saint don of dumb?

Abolish every agency set up to give assistance in emergencies. Or GUT it.

Use that money to give tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy or to build an ego wall.

PRIOTIZE! The dumb of don can't do everything so he prioritizes the most important things.

Travel expense when he goes off to diddle around at his golf resorts WITH AN ENTOURAGE. TOP PRIORITY!

Cut food stamps and other  assistance programs to pay for it.

DUH. NO BRAINER. He is just doing the job his adoring worshippers elected him to do. PROMOTE CRUELTY 24/7. Live it and breath it and eat. Landslide re-election as CRUELTY is now in style and poplar poppalar popular. What else can he cut gut today?


Posted - February 26, 2020
