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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Their lives are in jeopardy. Both Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg are in dumb don's sights/sites for elimination. Should they resign?

Their lives are in jeopardy. Both Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg are in dumb don's sights/sites for elimination. Should they resign?

Or should they die with their boots on?

The dumb of don made no bones about it. He wants them to recuse themselves from any decision having anything to do with and case having anything to do with him. Since he is the center of the evil dirty filthy ugly treason crooked crimes and corruption and the cause of them they'd best get out of Dodge before it's too late!

No crime was done that was not done for him. Not one. He is the CORE of all of it. The raison d'etre. The center the heart the soul the mind the everything. Everyone who did anything crazy creepy crooked criminal crappy did it FOR HIM AT HIS REQUEST on his command demand.

Why not neuter/spay SCOTUS completely and put them out to pasture while he rules the roost? He cannot trust that Chief Justice Roberts will roll over for him as the Thomas and the Kavanaugh and whatever else is a SCOTUS sucking up and kissing the butt/hand of dumb don will ALWAYS DO. Neuter/spay all of them. Send them on an UNPAID SABBATICAL/HIATUS for an unknown amount of time.

FakeAG liddlebillybarrroycohn will decide everything in concert with the demands of dumb don. They don't need no lousy SCOTUS and neither does the country.

Posted - February 26, 2020
