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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We monitor all calls before we answer them. The benefit of having an answering machine. Something weird is happening. Have you noticed?

We monitor all calls before we answer them. The benefit of having an answering machine. Something weird is happening. Have you noticed?

The number of calls now are all about our being under investigation from (FITB) or being eligible for a REFUND.

They come from different numbers but they are all focusing on the same things..

Now being under investigation and knowing nothing about it is highly unlikely. What could they be investigating me for? Buying the last can of peaches in the store?

Being due a refund for something we never bought or paid for is also highly unlikely.

But such calls must be effective else why would they keep triggering them? TWO BUZZ WORDS.

Who in his/her right mind would answer such calls? Are people really that STUPID they don't know these are all scams and cons dedicated to separating them from their money?

Posted - February 26, 2020


  • 44754
    I saw a youtube vidoe where a guy scams the scammer. He lets them on his computer remotely. They don't know it's a virtual computer where he could control theirs. It's rather complicated, but our hero was a computer geek and sent them a virus which wiped out all of their files. Very cool.
      February 26, 2020 10:17 AM MST

  • 113301
    I LOVE THAT E! Would that I were as knowledgeable I'd do the same thing if I had thought of it. A very fitting response I think. Thank you for sharing that! It just made my day and my day has only just begun! :)
      February 27, 2020 3:07 AM MST